October 25, 2005

New Corpse!

I was being experimental on this one- and they liked it! YAY! BTW, mine is the 3rd panel. Yup, that's mine, the one with the superimposed dragon. The dragon actually came from Spectrum Glass. Boy was it fun to make.

Try it out!


October 24, 2005

Bruce update--- "awww..." :)

Bruce has another tooth! This makes 3. His first two came in at the same time on the tenth; bottom front. This newest one, discovered yesterday, came in on the top right side- not front. And boy is it sharp!

He is so big! Tonight he grabbed Rocksy's squeeky toy, crawled over to her, and gave it to her! And he kept doing it and chasing her and trying to play with her. Then she was chewing her bone and Bruce kept trying to get it. He succeeded and proceeded to eat it! Yuck! He is so smart! He even flipped the top open on my evian bottle!

He is into everything. He likes chex mix, but not the cereal- he likes the little chips and pretzels and swivelly things. He gives big wet kisses, too. The other day he crept to my face, with open mouth, dropped to my lips and licked me! And licked me some more! Eww- so I turned my head and he was getting my cheek. As I kept moving my mouth away, he started getting mad at me. Then I realized he wasn't trying to kiss me, he was trying to steal my gum! Sometimes instead of grabbing food with his hands, he uses his mouth and that is what he was doing. He copies us when he sees us chewing food and goes for it. "I want some too!" is what he tries to say. And he wanted my bright green, sugar free gum.

He is so precious!

October 13, 2005

Crabs at the Rainbow?

We went to Wibaux, MT last night for supper. And this is what our server's TShirt said: "I got crabs at the Rainbow Club" and it had a pic of a sexy girl with crabs crawling toward her.

Would you like me to explain? Ok, the name of the restaurant was the Rainbow, and Wednesday's are all you can eat crab. Which is why we went! That shirt was awesome.

God did I stuff my self on monstrous crab legs. God it was so good! And Chantz had a blackened ribeye with a twice baked, Austin had applewood smoked ribs (Kevin smokes his own ribs!!!) with a baked, and Tessa had steak strips (she said mine are better, what a lovely girl) and a baked. And bruce, he had a bunch of crackers and my twice baked. I left all room for the crab, baby. No salad either! Although I did have some cottage cheese topped with bacon bits and cheddar cheese. OMG! So good!

After being sick all week with Morning sickness, it was so nice to eat something for once! I even drank a squirt!

Tessa, however, didn't feel good soon after and spent the night throwing up. She thinks she ate to much. I think it might have been the ice in her pop. Don't drink Wibaux water. Ever.

The Rainbow has the best food in like a hundred mile radius. This is the midwest people, there isn't much within that radius but a bunch of small towns and some smaller towns. Wibaux is one of the smaller towns. God they have good food. We even drove there from Bismarck once! (Check that at mapquest people!)

October 08, 2005


Vampires. I love vampires. Books, movies, tv shows, you name it! I like 'em. If a vampire were to walk into my home, I'd be like, take me now!

Ok, ok. Sounds a bit silly. But why has someone who is so in love with vampires never seen Bram Stoker's Drakula until last night? I really let my (youthful) distaste for Winona stop me from watching a vampire movie? Bad girl. Bad.

And it's a love story! She really loved him. Awww...

But, I am terrified of scary movies! I have nightmares. I am scared of the man under the bed. The Ring still frightens me. But I love vampire stuff and it doesn't frighten me.

So I have finally come up with a way to still my waking fears. I just think to myself, WWBD. That's right- "What would Buffy do?" Hell yeah, she'd say something witty, like "Are you having a bad hair day?" And wack! She'd kick her ass and pop off her head.

So when I'm afraid, I just imagine I am Buffy, and all is better.

Now I know she is not a vamp, but who better to kick psycho/ghost/demonic ass than the gal who is tougher than all vamps and demons ever created? Ever? Duh!

That and she got to #### Spike.


October 07, 2005

I found it!

Finally, I found my homeschooling books! Their box was mixed in with the boxes that are going to storage! Amazingly, I was able to get many of the books from Ambleside at the library. Way cool. Now I just need to buy a new math book. I don't like the one we have. I found one that teaches multiplication through word problems, so that the kids comprehend what multiplying is, not just memorizing a times table. Example: You have 5 cups in a row, and you have 4 rows. How many cups do you have?

I think that will work. And I had to suspend all computer/Xbox use, and limited TV to one to two hrs a day. They think way too fast to have any patience with being read to. Austin, especially! But he is still young yet, and we will just have to change the way his little brain operates.

This is going to take a while.


Morning, noon and night sickness

Why can't this, my fourth pregnancy, be like my first two? You know, perfect beyond belief without one ounce of morning sickness? I feel terrible all the time! And I could sleep 18 hours a day! I can't, but god I wish I could! And no matter what I seem to eat, nothing makes my tummy feel better, not even saltines and gingerale!

Until now. I made peach crisp this morning, quite simple actually. Just two cans of peaches in heavy syrup in a small baking dish topped with crumblies (2/3 biscuit mix and 2/3 brown sugar, 4 T cold butter and 1 tsp cinnamin, cut together). Anyway, I cooked it too long, 15 minutes at 400F, when 10 minutes would have been fine, so it is more like a peach pie than a crisp. Anywho, not only is it so incredibly delicious, OMG, but it made my tummy feel better!

I'll never eat plain peaches again.

October 03, 2005

I want my mommy!

I have a cold and am super sensitive to sound today. The kids were very loud. Very loud.

Tessa was pulled from public school today. I will homeschool her, too. She was far behind the rest of her class and was being pestered by her teacher. I swear, does she even read these notes she sends home? Come on, it's only 3rd grade! Anyway, since she has switched schools every year since kindergarten, and we are not staying in Glendive forever, this is for the best. Hopefully by junior high we will be settled down and she can go back.

I was going to have her wait it out for a month, but when I told Chantz how her first 3 days were, he said "Just homeschool her!" We have short fuses with the PS system cuz of all the stuff we went through with Austin (ironically, this is the same school she went to for kindergarten). Tessa came home the 3rd day begging to be homeschooled. Poor girl.

So, most of my supplies are packed and I cannot find them! We were going to make cookies today, and the weather was perfect, nice and rainy, but I feel so terrible! And I would have had to clean the kitchen...

So yeah, today was a flop. But I did get many errands done, including a meeting with the Superintendent! Did I mention Austin has been off his pills for a few days (like, a week or so *cringe*) and he is driving me NUTS! I just keep telling myself, he's not on his pills, he's not on his pills... Thank god he took them today... thank god!

So, it's rainy, I am sick, Chantz is in Nebraska, and I am home alone with 3 kids and a dog. Bored kids and bored dog.

Today sucked.

Now Austin is sick. Aw, darn. Tomorrow he will be to tired to scream and have a fit! Yes! Now if Tessa could get it, too... (but not the baby or the puppy!)

I'm kidding. God!

P.S. Rocksy's first rainfall. She pooped on the floor. Must say she did not like the down pour much.

I'm going to bed. Shit, I gotta wash the dishes; Chantz'll be home in the morning. Damn.


I don' wanna.

October 02, 2005

What people are searching for when they find me!

This is what I got off of statcounter, when I looked to see where my visitors come from. Someone searched for this:

Dawn Marie Dawn Marie redhead housewife mom naked nude and not wrestling

Ok, my name is Dawn Marie, I am a red head (unnatural), I am a mom, and a housewife, but I certainly am not naked! Geez!

And what is UP with the wrestling?

And this:

Tessa Everquest, which brought up this page. Dawn Marie Dream, this page. Deed of Paksonarrion, (really good book, btw!) this page.

But most people come from blogspot or other blog sites, and that is cool with me. Now, if they would just post a comment now and then...

October 01, 2005


New corpse; mine is panel 2. Did you see the seam underneath mine? Did you? Argh... I get so mad. There was this other corpse that caused extreme controversy.. there was a seam but the colors matched and it was individual.. it did not try to carry on the "theme" and some players had the audacity to demand it be removed! They said it was a "fresh prince," although a f.p. is when you stick a completely unrelated picture with no attempt at creativity. Idiots. There are players who have done many corpses, who still cannot perform without creating a goddamn seam... hello people, when you get your slice, DO NOT BLEND ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP! Really, that is so much worse, and makes the piece look awful. But unlike those players over at exquisite corpse, I will not comment that negatively on site! It is rude and mean. I will vent in the privacy of my blog!

And you have no idea what I am yammering on about, but today this post is about me.

So there!

So for my next corpse, I am not going to worry about carrying the top picture through. My last one completely lacked my personality and creativity. This next one is about the creation, about what I want to make. I am still a bit rebellious, I guess. I love to stir things up. There is no seam, but I am not going to cater to anybody. I will follow the rules of the game, and not that of a few nit picky players.

Don't get me wrong, corpsing is fun, it is just once in a while there are some self-righteous prigs who believe they need to put down the work and the personal websites of other players!

But only once in a while.

So, come corpse with us!