February 18, 2007

Two major things you should know

First of all, Austin didn't get a ticket for hiding under the desk, but for disrupting class, since the teacher had to completely stop teaching to deal with Austin. The assistant principal was called and then the police, because Austin refused to do his classwork.


He was disobedient and disrespectful; he has know respect for AUTHORITY. The cops ordered him out and to do his work, and he still refused, and they wrote him up. He was sent to in school suspension, where he sat thinking about what happened for 20 to 30 minutes, which is normal for him; he processes things slowly. I was called and told to come pick him up before she called the police again because he hadn't completed that assignment.

She fucked up in many ways. First of all, there was a substitute teacher and this was in the resource room, not the regular classroom. She demanded he do that assignment, continuously rather than move on to something different. She should have just let him sit there, because that is what his homeroom teacher does and it is effective. He will get on it of you LEAVE HIM ALONE. She should have called us first. She made a threat and felt she had to follow thru with it and it was Austins fault. Do not make threats you don't want to follow through on.

I just wanted to make it clear, that it is about perceived authority, and that the assistant principal and the cops took Austins actions personally and made it about themselves. That was never the case. It is and always will be about Austin!!!!!

The second major thing you should know, is that my new computer is broken. Yup- they are sending me a new one. It is possible, although we are not sure, that it is due to downloading an incompatible version of people pc, and that it caused the pc to permanently fail. however, the tech wasn't sure, and since nothing worked to get it back again, he figures there is something wrong with the computer itself. It has windows Vista, and I am giving you a piece of advice. Before downloading any programs, make sure that they are compatible first!

It is also a strong possibility that I lost everything I have recently made in paint shop pro and any art I have purchased and downloaded. That is because when we installed vista onto the old computer, all my folders are still there but the content is gone. C says it has to be there and he will try to find it. It was all transferred onto the new pc, but that one croaked. Light a candle for it, please! May it rest in eternal disquiet for screwing me. :p

This time I will not cry!!! Candace, this loss includes your new template. If I can't get it back, I promise I will make it again! It maybe slightly different, but it will be done!!!

February 15, 2007

It's a Dell

And it's mine, all mine. The screen is to die for, it's flat, and wide, and huge and it's mine, all mine!!! He he he!!! It is missing a brand new desk to sit upon, which it will have tomorrow, as well as a new throne for my ass; then I will take plenty of pretty pictures and will post them here. So for now, use your imaginations, or go look up the XPS at Dell. I am currently blogging on the old PC until I get all my files transferred. Windows Vista is very very different than XP!

Oh, and C's laptop came today, too. It's red and black, and has LED lights everywhere that glow ANY COLOR HE WANTS all over the darn thing. It's and XPS also, and 19 inches.

What did you get for Valentine's Day, hmmm?

February 14, 2007

What Did He Do?

Austin's court hearing went very well. We waited our turn, which comes quickly since they push families with bawling babies to the top of the pile. (Thank you, Brandy!) The judge didn't remember Austin, thankfully, but the officer did and he isn't overly fond of my kid. I went armed with letters from 2 of his teachers and his report card to show how he has improved since the last incident.

We left the 5th grade Valentine's day party early, made it to court before three in spite of a train, and survived the trip through the brand spanking new metal detector that the cops kept playing with (my god, are cops in Texas HUGE!!) I was very surprised to see Mrs. P, the assistant principal who called the cops on Austin in the first place, and whose (so called) character reference didn't even make it into the judges hands. I saw her a dozen times today at the school and she did not mention she would be attending. The second surprise she gave me was when she stuck up for Austin in court, which I believe really helped his case! This time the judge was aware that Austin is disabled. I was encouraged to seek doctoring and medications, and Austin and I have to go to two 1 hour classes at the court house next month.

Can do!

What did Austin do to land in court? He refused to do his classwork and totally disrupted class. Then he hid in the time out room under a desk, and the cops had to lift it up to get him out. "Austin is very disrespectful to AUTHORITY!" said the cop.
"Austin is doing better in school, but when he has bad days, he completely shuts down," Mrs. P said.

Welcome to my world.

February 13, 2007


My shoes

Here you go Susie Badoozie, pictures of all our shoes, the whole family. Missing only are the shoes currently on the school children's feet!

Chantz's Shoes

Austin's Shoes

Tessa's Shoes

Bruce's Shoes

Brandy's Shoes

February 12, 2007

My ELPH Came Today

February 11, 2007

I'm going to Houston...

...today so na na na na na!!! We are going to The Dump to look at furniture. I can't wait. I also can't wait for my new PC to show up. It's a Dell! Woo who! This keyboard doesn't keep up with my slow ass typing. Jeez its bad!

I slept on the floor in the office/Bruce's room early this morning. Brandy woke up and I fell asleep with her on the floor. Blankets everywhere, lol! I think Bruce needs a bigger bed. He sleeps through the night in his crib, but Brandy was in it. He gets up out of the toddler bed and climbs in with us no matter how many times we move him back.

I really have nothing to say. Hmmm... 3 Italian ladies on vacation were thrown into a pit and then stoned. Two died. How awful is that? They knew one of the men! Sick, sick, sick! Know what else is sick? That creep who raped the boy he kidnapped 4 times a day for 4 days. I can't wait until he goes to prison. He is going to be someones BITCH!!!

I really hate people who make fun of "smart" people. You know the type. They ask a question, then the deride the person who answers the question, like, "Oh, aren't you so smart!" Assholes.

I hate stupid smart people. The kind who threw out dinosaur bones in Greek digs because they were irrelevant. The kind who swore that the Greeks had no idea what a dinosaur was, when they are surrounded by bones and even had them in their temples and drawings. Fucking retards!!!! Some lady had to prove it! The bone diggers and city diggers need to work together!!!

I hate it when kids stand behind me when I cook! And then come back repeatedly. FUCK! Know why? C stood behind me, and when I moved, he moved with me. Tessa will stand there like a brick wall and will not get out of my damn way! Of course she is 9 and I only figured this out this morning and I let every one in the house know about it. Maybe now she will move. Heaven knows she won't keep her butt out of the kitchen.

Ok, that's enough ranting for now.

February 09, 2007

New Theme: Awakening

I made this cool new theme with images purchased from Folkvangar. She is a wonderful digital artist, my bloggie friends! If you don't like it, remember that you can use the theme switcher on the right hand side to choose the theme you prefer.

I wanted something a little bit darker, and I put this piece together this morning. I have been tossing ideas around for a few weeks and have an awesome desktop image with the same girl, different background. I used brushes from 1 green eye** to get that specific look I've been craving!

For those of you not into grunge, I have a "clean" version I can put together. If you would like to see a neatobadeato header on the Awakening Theme, lemme know in the comments and I will make it.

After staring at it myself, I caved and went with the other version. It didn't turn out how I liked, lmao. All that wasted time... *sigh*

**I have been going to 1 green eye off and on for a very long time- she has fantastic psp brushes and backgrounds, but she didn't talk about herself much. So Ihad no idea until today that she is a witch, which I just happen to think is very, very cool. I have some catching up to do over at her blog!


I really liked Anna Nicole. I felt bad when her son died, so close to giving birth to her daughter. I feel sad now that she is gone too. I new her as a guess girl and watched her TV show. I laughed at the fun, silly stuff she did.

She was only 39. I can't imagine only living for such a short time. She was a sweet, troubled girl, like many who have gone before her. So I say goodby.

May her next life be filled with peace.

February 08, 2007

A meme,or two

Things you may not have known about me… From my Mother

1.Four jobs I have had in my life:
waitress, maid, cook, dishwasher
2. Four Movies I have watched over and over:
princess bride, fifth element, die hard, never ending story
3. Four places I have lived:
New York, Montana, North Dakota, Texas
4. Four TV shows I love to watch:
Heroes, LOST, Battlestar Galactica, and Stargate
5. Four places I have been on vacation:
Disneyland, Disneyworld, Adirondack Mountains(NY), Montana
6. Four of my favorite foods:
chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate
7. Four places I would rather be right now:
right here, England, Hawaii, right here
8. Four people that will respond:
Marlee/Zanthera, Candace, JBlue, Margie

From Northern Bound aka Marlee/Zanthera
6 strange facts about me:
1. I pick my head
2. All drawers and closet doors must be shut in order for me to sleep
3. Every time I help out my in laws, I screw up miserably (ex: water the horse and leave it on 6+ hours)
4. I like babies and toddlers, but older kids BUG me
5. I don't mind being pregnant, and would do it again if it wasn't a bad idea physically
6. I don't like doing girly things like shaving, dressing up, wearing makeup, doing my hair, or playing psychological girl games
6 poor souls I am tagging- Jackie Sue, Gail, Jayne, Ann S , Retarded Rugrat, Crys

**Badoozie- You will notice you were not tagged. Don't feel bad, it's just that you are incapable of playing by the rules. You tend to make them up as you go along, lol!**

February 04, 2007

An eventful day

Poor Brandy rolled off the bed! C brought her in to me while I was sleeping and I fed her, and fell back to sleep. She did not. She landed on the floor, cried for a second, and rolled over. I panicked at the drop of blood on her chin, just under her lip, but I was just a little rug burn/scrape. She's fine.

Bruce on the other hand, fell out of the stroller today at The Mall and landed on his head. That one hurt him! Poor guy cried and cried! He was trying to get out, and ended up getting out head first before we could catch him! He's fine now, too.

My poor abused children! I already have two r#tarded* kids, I don't need two more!

The Mall was fun, though. Bruce played in the kids center forever! It's a cute rubber forest with giant flowers and bees. He crawled over everything and would only leave with the promise of a ride in the elevator. Up up up! At the food court we chowed on Chinese food and Bruce rode the carousel twice with daddy. It was on our way out of there that he crashed to the floor. No big bumps on his noggin thankfully.

We went to Bath and Body Works and I bought Moonlight Path Body Cream. It is lavender, rose, violet, and musk and is yummy. I really like the cherry blossom, but C doesn't and I would rather not repel him, lol. I also purchased the body wash in a wee little size.

At Yankee Candle I got a short handled silver candle snuffer and a tea light holder shaped as a small blue flower. It is beautiful! I want to use it as an incense burner.

C got a new cell phone covers for himself and his mom. I can't tell you what hers looks like yet just in case she reads this blog before we get it to her. It is very unlikely she could find it again, but my luck, I would post it and she would see it! It's cute and she will love it.

Our departure was almost uneventful. Have you ever had an itch so bad you wanted to scratch your skin off? Ever have an itch so bad somewhere that you can't scratch in public? Yeah, I made a beeline for the bathroom. I really had to go, too. Then, I get home, and C points out by grabbing at it, that I have a hair poking out of my chest! He let me wander the mall like that. Oh, an yesterday, I locked myself out of my car at the gas station and he had to come bail me out with a coat hanger and a screwdriver. It's just been that kind of day week.

For anyone who cares, C just beat Doom 3 on the XBox. I guess he is having a good day.

*If you don't like that I called my kids retarded, FOAD. I am not to be taken seriously. :p

February 03, 2007

Prunella Vulgaris

I am trying to buy Selfheal (prunella vulgaris) plants or seeds, and they are terribly hard to find! I can find the supplements and oils made with it easily!

Selfheal/Allheal is an astringent, antiviral, anti microbial plant that treats cuts, scrapes, internal bleeding, herpes, high blood pressure, fevers, headaches, sore throats, you name it. It is a viral inhibitor, and is thought to block even HIV (a preventative measure.) Canada, Japan and California are researching its effects on HIV and AIDS. It can be taken orally or externally. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, or made into a cold water infusion and drank. (Don't mix with other blood thinners, ok?) The following links have much more info on this useful plant, and is where I got my information from. Don't just listen to me, do your own research and talk with your doctor before taking new supplements or weeds, k?

Herbal Extracts Plus
Plants For A Future
Vitamin Life

Texas Gov. Orders Anti-Cancer Vaccine

"AUSTIN, Texas - Some conservatives and parents' rights groups worry that requiring girls to get vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer would condone premarital sex and interfere with the way they raise their children.

By using an executive order that bypassed the Legislature, Republican Gov. Rick Perry - himself a conservative - on Friday avoided such opposition, making Texas the first state to mandate that schoolgirls get vaccinated against the virus.

Beginning in September 2008, girls entering the sixth grade will have to receive Gardasil, Merck & Co.'s new vaccine against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV.

Perry also directed state health authorities to make the vaccine available free to girls 9 to 18 who are uninsured or whose insurance does not cover vaccines. In addition, he ordered that Medicaid offer Gardasil to women ages 19 to 21.

Perry, a conservative Christian who opposes abortion and stem-cell research using embryonic cells, counts on the religious right for his political base. But he has said the cervical cancer vaccine is no different from the one that protects children against polio.

"The HPV vaccine provides us with an incredible opportunity to effectively target and prevent cervical cancer," he said."

Read the rest...

February 02, 2007

What... Who... Where...?

I am tired! I can't recall what I wanted to look up, either! This sucks.

Why did I go online? Come on guys, help me out. Please remind me in the comments what I am supposed to google!

February 01, 2007

Newsworthy, Blogworthy News!

Of all the news to blog about today, like the Boston retards who mistook an advertising gimmick for bombs scattered all over the city and shut down bridges and subways, arresting the evil doers, calling it a post 9/11 hoax- 10 other cities got the joke, however, including NY, or the other idiots who freaked out at a dolphin toy- a small glass jar with black and white stuff in it- which they thought was a bomb, I choose instead to fill you in on some real news worthy news:

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" will be published July 21! Yes!
"Bloomsbury noted that this year is the 10th anniversary of the publication of the first "Harry Potter" book in the phenomenally successful series. The "Potter" books have sold 325 million copies worldwide and been translated into 64 languages, Bloomsbury said. The last book, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," sold 2,009,574 copies in Britain on the first day of its release, Bloomsbury said.
The Potter franchise is so important to the company's earnings that it announced the publication to the London Stock Exchange. Bloomsbury shares were up 2.2 percent to $4.40 after the announcement."
Ugh, blogger keeps sticking "p" tags into my blog- which totally screws up my look, since my "p" tags have special css attached to them. Why can't it just insert "br" tags like it is supposed to?

So I have to go back to the in laws to pick up C's check, 'cause I forgot yesterday. Then I am going to town, getting me a coffee, and going to the bank, and I need to find Brandy a thick warm pair of tights. Other than that, nothing is going on around here!

Oh wait, yesterday we went to the movies and saw Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller. It is awesome!!! Go see the funniest movie! And it is totally kid appropriate. Brandy and Bruce stayed at Jan's/Nana's house. Bruce was great, Brandy cried when she couldn't find me, so like the entire time! Jan said it was ok though. heck, that little girl loves me so much, or is so spoiled, that she would cry every time I left her with C for the first 7 months!!!!! Thank the elements* she is over that!

Do you have "febulights"? Come on people, get it together and take them down already!

*I am an elemental witch- I don't call on deities (except in dire situations and out of sheer habit). I choose instead to work with the elements. In other witchy news, I finally started work on my wand. I need to pick up some sand paper; I cut my finger with the knife, but kept the blood off the wand! I also kept the bark shavings, just in case.