April 28, 2007

Bored Now

And I have nothing to say. My mom should be coming to visit when the inlaws come home... she will hitch a ride with them.

I love this outfit here, but it isn't in my size or my price range. I would like to make it myself maybe! I don't know though, maybe mom and I can do something like this!

Later, I have dolling to do.

April 24, 2007

Gypsy's Interview

Ok, here's your interview! (From Gypsy)

1. What are your five favorite books?
Hollows Series by Kim Harrison (Every Which Way But Dead*)
Acorna Series by Ann Macaffrey
Firekeeper Saga by Janke Lindskold
Shanarra Series (in its entirety) by Terry Brooks
The Elenium by David and Leigh Eddings

2. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I am lazy, I often feel run down and tired,I get sick pretty easy, and have suffered lifelong depression. If I could change one thing, it would be my health.

3. What do you believe in?
Santa Claus
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit
The goddess
The horned god
The All
Spiritual Faerie Creatures (fairies, pixies, gnomes, undines, salamanders, sylphs, angels)

4. If you could go back in time and meet one person from history, who would it be and why?
I would like to go back in time and spend a week with a frontier family. I would help them and learn from them, and see how they really lived. The knowledge would be indispensable and the experience one of a kind.

5. What do you wish for your kids?
"That they live long and prosper," find happiness, stay true to themselves, and that they keep in touch with their family.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

April 23, 2007

My life, in a conversation

"Don't you have homework to do?" I asked.

"Don't you have a house to clean?"

Damn! She's good.

Boo Hoo

I have a fucking cold!

April 21, 2007

A Busy Week

The garden is planted. Cucumbers, dill, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, jalapeƱo peppers, onions, leaf lettuce, melons, pumpkins, yellow sweet corn, red sweet corn, sugar snap peas, spaghetti squash and buttercup squash. The last one I had to get by special request from Montana via Alice. They don't sell buttercup squash here. Four strawberry plants are planted up by the house next to some flowers I put in. A huge tire in sitting close by the porch and my little flower garden, waiting for play sand to fill it. An 18 inch deep wading pool is taking up half of my back porch. Austin mowed the lawn today using the riding mower and C put concrete in around the septic system sprinklers. I followed them home from the mils today, C on the big blue tractor and Austin on the riding mower, about a mile on the main road. Our ditches are level now and he used the tractor to get the massive tire off the trailer. Seriously, this thing is huge.

My herbal and flower garden has not gone in yet. I haven't figured out where I want it yet, and I am not too sure right now where my herb seeds are. Oops. I really want to get my lavender planted. I have been neglecting my spiritual studies, too. I really need to start reading and doing my exercises, but I keep putting it off. I guess it is the same with every belief system, isn't it?

April 18, 2007

Unconscious Mutterings Week 219

This meme I picked up from Jayne. It is called Unconscious Mutterings; it is a free association exercise.
  1. Freeze :: flow
  2. Naturally :: fried
  3. Painting :: surreal
  4. Merits :: horses
  5. Ironic :: totally and absolutely; susceptible
  6. Survival :: freedom; entrenched
  7. Cow :: moo; blue and gold
  8. Anchor :: weigh; particles
  9. Sisters :: grooming
  10. 70 :: one
This was hard for me because instead of words coming to mind, I got jumbled images. Those are much harder to interpret and put into words. It is too early for my mind, I think. This is a personal endeavor and I am not tagging anyone.

April 17, 2007

I like being in the dark

I am the most politically uninformed person on the planet, and I am proud of it! I am not being saturated with what I can and cannot say; a bit only trickles in here and there. Imus who? Ha! I wouldn't know who Obama was if it weren't for Candace over at Chapterhouse for Christ's sake!

At least when I used People PC, I got daily sound bites... snippets of current events, but even that is gone now. Pop culture to me is what I see on the covers of gossip magazines in line at the checkout counter. Do I really give a shit if Br@d and Angelin@ are having issues? Or if T0m and whats her face are in some kind of crazy marriage? No fucking way. I am not bombarded with anything, and it has to do with self control.

If you don't like what you are seeing or hearing on TV or the radio, change the fucking channel. Shut your goddamn browser. Take control of your life, and just walk away.

Don't feed the trolls.

I am mostly talking about political incorrect stuff, but everyone comments on the gossip part... part those who go on rampages over what someone said, are gossiping. If we stop listening to these people, then it doesn't matter what they say, because we took away their audience.

April 14, 2007

Fine, I will put up a new post already

Sheesh! Any more creepy obnoxious comments in the middle of the night, though, and I might have to call the popo out here.

"Um, hello? Can you send an officer out to blank lane?" I imagine myself whimpering into the phone. Then the dispatcher asks me why, and I say, "I think I am being stalked and harassed. Someone left a creepy message on my blog."



So, I thought my upper left wisdom tooth was coming in because it is sore when I touch my gum. Yeah, I know. Stupid. The dentist said he didn't see anything on my xray and it didn't look like it was poking through. So I let it slide, and he "drilled, filled and billed" two of my molars. Ouch! He hurt my cheek and my gums! I swear this time, I am going to call and make my next appointment with his partner, the gentle older man.

So anyway, I figure that my gum is swollen so maybe I have an abscess or something? Then last night I was farting around and I slipped my fingernail up under my gum behind that last tooth. Yuck! Salty liquid gushed out and it was all sunken in and shrivelly- for a minute. Then it filled back up again. So I brushed and flossed and rinsed thoroughly, and waited until I felt pressure, ran to the sink, and whoosh- salty taste, rinse, repeat! How gross is that? It pretty much feels normal now. I don't think it was pus, because that is bitter tasting. In junior high my lower wisdoms were pulled and I had and infection that leaked pus. This wasn't like that at all. This just tasted like salt water... or snot.

I am not going into how I know what snot tastes like. We are just not going there, ok?

I downloaded this free 3D program called DAZ tonight, and I swore I was going to open it up right away and read the tutorials and actually use it this time. Instead I got sidetracked looking for doll bases that I thought looked like Rachel and Ivy from Kim Harrison's witch series. Yes, I am that lame. I found them, too! Rachel is a redheaded witch, from Irish descent, and Ivy is a living vampire, with black hair, and exotic almost Asian features. Rachel and Ivy are best friends, roommates and business partners. I am obsessed right now ok? I am rereading all the books and am surprised at how much I missed in the beginning. Like, duh, Kim set that up!

If you didn't think I was lame yet for what I just wrote, you will when I finish. I joined the author's yahoo group. At least I have the email set to digest! I only log in if one of the entries catches my eye, or if I am bored. Kim posts comments herself and even responds to our questions, and it is fun and refreshing, so there. I never joined a fan club as a kid you know. I was to embarrassed because I didn't know what I was supposed to send to them to join, because they never said! Yup, loser then and loser now.

These two characters have another partner. A four inch pixy with dragon fly wings named Jenks. He is married and has 54 kids and lives in their garden, which is between the church they live in and the graveyard. They are "runners"- kind of like PI's slash cops and they catch bad guys, mess around with demons and magic, and try not to push each others buttons so that Ivy doesn't vamp out and attack Rachel.

The series is great, so there, and this is my blog, so I will talk about it. It is past one in the morning and I am tired, wore out, and edgy. I could really use some Starbucks right now. It just sounds really very good.


I can't wait to get started on my dolls!

April 11, 2007


Austin had band tryouts on Tuesday at the Middle School. He tried the trumpet, percussion, saxophone and trombone. The teacher who was testing the percussion doesn't teach it anymore, but he remembers Austin from the Music Screening they did at the elementary school and he wants to teach Austin himself, because he thinks he would make a good musician! How cool is that? He said that Austin looked like he would be good at the Trombone or Trumpet and that we should try those too. His score for percussion was ok, but he got "good" for the rest! He has a "good buzz"!

So now we wait and see where they put him next year. The kids get a whole class time for instruction in their instrument. Austin prefers the trumpet, but I am sure he will be happy with whatever he gets. And to tell you the truth, his first day trying out the trumpet he sounded better than my brother ever did! HA!

April 08, 2007

Candy Day Pictures

April 07, 2007

Easter Eggs Made With Natural Egg Dyes

I used water, vinegar and cabbage leaves for the icky light purple and water, vinegar and yellow onion skins for the dark red brown eggs. They were put in raw and boiled with the dye. I got the "recipes" from Lady Tawodi.
The flash is too bright here, I think:

After I added some oil to shine them up.

Snowing in Fairfield,Texas

Big C sent to this photo to me a few minutes ago. It may be cold here in Willis, and a tad bit rainy, but it is Snowing in Fairfield, TX!!! He is on his way to Dallas, and I am including a map, because that is the kind of girl I am!!!

April 05, 2007

I finished my Kim Harrison book, for a few demons more this morning! Her books are very addictive. I am finally done with all the ones I have, so I can start sleeping again at night! I have a tendency to stay up all hours reading. The world she created is totally fascinating, and it is still running through my head. I shouldn't read so fast. I should read a chapter at a time and let it sink in, but I don't and I can't. I am thinking of starting the series over.

I put a few flowers out in pots on my back porch and cleaned it up a bit. I want it to look cozy and it is starting to finally. God I have nothing to say.

We dyed easter eggs and got our easter shopping done the other night. We go all out for the traditional Easter Bunny Easter Festivities. I am even thinking about getting the kids pics taken at walmart for Easter.

When I was a kid, my parents always hid our Easter Baskets on us. But then I met Chantz and they ridiculed me to death about that. The baskets are never hidden in our home, only the eggs. One year me and Chantz woke up to find a few dozen eggs hidden all over our yard! I have believed in the Easter Bunny ever since then. Easter makes me very hungry for ham! yummy!

So what do you guys do for Easter?

April 01, 2007

Beanie wants...

Beanie wants me to do a meme that she made up.I am supposed to come up with 10 things that no one talks about anymore that I think people should talk about and then tag 5 people. Lets see?

1. pro life or pro choice? I don't here this come up so much anymore
2. why babies like to play in toilets- they do it all the time, but no one ever talks about it. you never here mommies saying, "Well my daughter dropped her pacifier in the toilet and them sucked on it," and the other mommy saying, "My son threw my cell phone in the toilet, beat that!"
3. Why dogs like to eat shit. Ain't that just gross? They will eat it anywhere, anytime, anyone's!!!
4. God Bret Michaels was got back in the day! Why doesn't anyone talk about Poison?

5. banana seat bikes- where did they all go?
6. The old Dr Who TV series- does anyone remember what it was about?
7. Those weird guys on Laverne and Shirley- I swear I here their voices on cartoons sometimes.
8. Why isn't the "but its my birthday, mommy!" joke funny anymore?
9. Politically incorrect topics- lets talk about them. Like, why do we still financially support native americans? People got conquered for centuries. Get over it, right? Right?? :P
10. The origins of "MEME"- What the fuck does meme mean? And how the fuck do I pronounce it???? Where does it come from?

Um, I tag Candy and Marlee and thats enough. Sorry beanie!

So, I have been thinking about going back to college. De Vry has an online degree program and I want to go to school from home. I have this thing though about responsibility. I am afraid to get training for a job, because I think what if I can't do it? I like web development, but I am also drawn to another one. I need to think about this. C asked me why I want to go to school and I lied to him. I want to go back so I don't have to be dependent on him. that way, of he ever decides to leave me, I can support myself and our kids. I told its because the kids will be in school in a few years and I am not going to stay home then. I said I want to contribute to the family. But mostly, I want to feel needed and valuable and I want to be protected in case something ever happens to him ... or he gets sick of me and kicks my wild lazy ass out, ha ha ha!

Beanie also wants to know the story behind the firemen. Isn't she nosy? Ok, I went to the pet store to get a bigger bird cage for my finches and I brought Brandy with me. I used the button on the key to unlock both sides of the car and I set the keys on the seat, thinking I shouldn't but I hate digging them out of my pocket or purse again, because I can't hold them and put Brandy in her seat. It was raining out, and I had the back windows shut, and I loaded baby and stuff up, and shut the door. I don't normally shut the side door until I go around and open my door, just in case this happens, but it was raining, remember? I shut it, and it was locked. There is no way to lock the entire van from the side door, and I had put the keys on the front seat. It beeps when it locks from the keys and I did not hear a beep! I think it locked itself. I went back in to Pet Smart and a kids came out who had a thingy to unlock it in his truck. Well, it didn't work. This nice family came and she offered to call the police for me after not finding a hanger in a clothing store in the strip mall. A police officer came out followed by a fire truck (sirens and everything- because it had to navigate I45!) and the cop comes up and asks me what happened.
"I put the baby in the van and set the keys down and shut the door! She is locked in!"
He chuckled. A good natured cop. I was afraid I would get a ticket or something. I wasn't scared because I knew it would be ok, deep down, but afterward a fireman said she could have run out of air, or gotten to hot even in that mild weather! I was jittery on the way home.

The nice lady's kids entertained brandy through the window and she was happy. I thought to take a picture of the truck just after they wedged my door open and stuck this thingy in there to unlock the doors. Then I saw that they had gone into my van and got her out! Um, yeah, I should have done that but I was a bit detached and overwhelmed by the whole thing. We were drawing a crowd and I thought no one would ever believe me, so I took a few more pics on the digital camera. A fireman gave her a stuffed dalmatian and we went home.

Then end.

Oh, and it is Palm Sunday, April fools day, and there's a full moon out tonight! What a fucking combination.