June 30, 2007

i don't know what the fuck to write

i am tired. i stayed up late reading Stray, a book by Rachel Vincent. It's good, probably considered horror genre since it is about werecats and gets a little bloody and gory, but it isn't scary. I really liked it, although it took an unexpected trip into a basement with a cage and some really very bad men. our heroin kicks super ass though, so all's good.

i just ate a leftover burger that was a tad charred on one side, and that taste is stuck in my mouth right now. wanna kiss or something???

the cat is molesting me, and attacking my ass. now she is after the laptop. the router is broke, i found it the other day, with no power lights on, and it was sloshy. i am pretty sure bruce poured water into it somehow. ain't he cute and sweet? there isn't a cord long enough to reach my computer with out the router in between, so here i am in the closet, sitting on a hard kitchen chair, typing away on this puny thing. oh, and the a/c doesn't work in here, but it's where his "office" is.

did i mention i am tired? i don't want to clean today. i hate cleaning. it is one thing i am passionate about anymore. but some days i don't mind it and even like it. i seriously need to get to the doctor to get some bipolar meds. this shit is just unacceptable.

and my mouth still tastes like charred beef ass, so this girl is going to bring this post to an end now. oh and if you don't like that i didn't use capitalization, then FOAD.

mu ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

oh btw, i signed up for devry. i will be taking online classes and should be able to get my bachelor's degree in a yeah and a half. woo hoo! don't worry, their semesters are 16 weeks long, divided into two 8 week sessions. so i won't be taking more than two classes at a time. i start on July 8th. i already have an AA degree and that is why it won't take me long to finish, if you care to know. and i have to go to houston on the fifth to the devry campus... yeah right. i am not driving myself. no effing way. C or someone is taking my fat ass down there.

yes, i am a glutton for punishment. how did you know?

June 23, 2007

Welcome to My Life

Ok, brandy had a bath, I got her lotioned and diapered and dressed, and went to get a bottle ready, turned on yahoo messenger, and she climbed into the walk in shower with Bruce. Yup fully clothed.

And now there is a naked baby boy running up and down the hallway, very happy. I don't think he is tired one bit.

*Sigh* at least I got The Sims to work. Then I lost internet. I talked to the tech support guys -"outsourced" of course- and both cordless phones are not working. So I run back and forth back and forth to give him all these numbers, and he tells me to POWER CYCLE THE MODEM. That means unplug it and plug it back in in nontechnical language! And I know this! Why didn't I think of this?

Welcome to my life! And I am not even frazzled. I wonder why not?

Bruce was the first to fall asleep last night. I was comopletely surprised!

Today's AstroSlam for Capricorn

"You should seriously consider stepping out of your comfort zone today. If your first impulse is to say yes then for God's sake say no. If your impulse is you say yes, pause a minute to reflect, then say no."


June 20, 2007

And blah blah blah

I don't have issues, Paris has issues.
I am tired, lonely, and confused.
I am happy, and funny, and playful.
I get pleasure from pleasing others, and this is not abnormal!
I am sick and tired, and I hate being ridiculed.
Sometimes I read more into things than I should.
I can be a real pain in the ass.
People bug me.
I like being alone.
I love the internet.
My favorite place is sitting on my throne in front of the computer. I even eat here.
I am easily frustrated.
Sometimes boys really irritate me.
I am a very sexual person.
But I tend not to show it.
I keep stuff looked up inside.
I have a very good imagination.
I like to sleep.
But not at night.
I have crazy dreams at night and feel as though I slept hardly at all.
I love information and finding out about stuff.
I am horrified that I had my two sons circumcised.
Would you allow the doctor to remove part of your daughter's clitoris?
Yes, it is the same thing.
I am going to bed now.

June 15, 2007

Hair or Bare?

... down there?

Leave me your answers, boys and girls, and any tips if you have them, in the comments section. And for those of you too embarrassed, remember that I allow anonymous comments!

June 13, 2007

Now I have heard it all

I really don't know what to say, except that this is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. To me the bible is an allegory. I am educated; I went to a Christian, Catholic, Benedictine University, and I must say, that even what I learned in my church history class contradicts most of the hog wash accepted by the church. And for you sticklers of faith out there who believe this stuff because it is in the bible, then I ask you why you believe in a bunch of shit that is not found in the bible. And if you don't know what I am talking about, just ask.

So go I tell you, and read all about the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum.

I may be pagan now, but I was raised a born again Christian. There is a reason I walked away. Wonder if this type of stupidity has anything to do with it?

June 10, 2007

Look At Me!

He is home, and now I am adjusting. I am very tired. Had a few busy days and watched a very depressing and emotionally draining season of ballykissangel.

It was so very sad.

June 07, 2007

It's Here!

Thank you Candy!!!! You rock! Check out her new website.

Ann Stretton rocks, too. She is the divine artist who created this beauty draped around my neck. She even blogs!

June 06, 2007

A Cat Post

June 02, 2007

All About ME

This post is all about me! I have been busy cleaning and trying to straighten out this disaster of a life, with the help of an online friend of mine, but I will go into that in a later post.

I have also been working on a project for my friend Candace. It is fun, demanding and time consuming, but I love it! I am almost complete, and will show it off when I get the ok from her. Ok she said yes! ECandaceWilliams.com

I am feeling very lonely lately. The kids are out for summer vacation and Austin went with Chantz to Montana. They have been gone for a week and won't be leaving until the 8th! I have been asking when is coming home; he said he didn't know. Then he tells me his test to get a CDL for a Semi (his now is different) is on the 7th... well thanks for telling me that. I don't think he omitted it on purpose, but because he is, well, he is just that way, *L*.

I know I promised a chat room for my blog, but it costs money, though only a small amount, I am lacking the funds and time to do it right now. I do plan on it, just give me some time, thanks.

Feel free to drop me a line by email or by comment, or IM me, whatever. I need the strength of my friends now more than ever!