June 09, 2015

Health and Wellness Diary

Pain today!  The large gap in reporting from May to June is that I wasn't in pain! This started this past week, I don't work at Mrs. W's any more and I don't know what is causing it. My bloating/ water retention was way up. I thought maybe I got glutened. The pressure is slightly slow, but it went up and down the past month and no bother. I also ran out of my multi vitamin that has vitamin d amd calcium.
It could be the inflammation.  I've cut out red meat, eggs, dairy (I had a tablespoon of parmesan cheese last night. Ooopsie ), corn and grains. It's only been a few days. I had a spoonful of tater salad.
I want to go paleo 100% hardcore. The meat and eggs is because of the inflammation... the waterfall diet. I eat fish, chicken and some pork. I atopped taking advil. I just took 2 aspirin. Will keep trying to figure this out. The journaling helps. Oh and I need to journal my supplements! 
Plan: take multi vitamin, magnesium, turmeric, vitamin c,  calcium,  probiotics, fish oil, eat more fish, veggies and fiber, healthy fats, Tomatoes and rice, less coffee and no alcohol. No junk food, potatoes, juice, chocolate,  SUGAR,  fast food, beans, corn, etc. Rice is ok, especially reheated. I did very well on rice  and I beat the constipation with it. Maybe some broth. Stay low carb... 50 to 80. I got this.
Oh new job cleaning houses. I need to practice sheilding.

May 07, 2015


I haven't had any pain all weekend up and including today. The pressure dropped and still no pain in my joints/ muscles, other than the upper back.
But that's tension/posture.
I was slightly uncomfortable yesterday and i didnt take any ibuprofen. 
Had a low carb headache and i took some after it didn't go away.
Woke up at midnight thinking it was 5. Then 230. Then 4.

May 04, 2015

Health and wellness diary

No pain to report.

Im upset that Brandy is failing and refuses to try at home. Idk what to do. Im so ANGRY at my ex for not doing a better job with the kids and at myself for letting him be a shitty fucking dad.

May 03, 2015

Health and wellness diary

No achy pain today! Spine hurt, went swimming in Lake conroe,  cameho6me and david popped my back.  It felt so much better.  But afternoon came and no pain! I'd also eaten both potato and corn chips, sodas,  etc at the party.
Happy and grateful about that! Had strawberry bacon feta salad with pomegranate dressing and Fiesta potatoes. Tired.  Bed now.

May 02, 2015

Health and wellness diary

Pressure is 30.03 No pain until 130 pm. Worst it's been so far. My ankles, shins, hips, back, all hurt! I took some advil. I passed out. Didn't want to get up but granddad was here. I feel flushed/feverish. It's 530 and I took 4 more advil.
Worked outside today raking and cleaning the pool. Wore sunblock.
These foods might be iffy:
Had some white wine. Had some feta cheese. Yesterday had some cashews. Had a few corn chips with my soup.
Quit taking the pill.
Epsom salt bath made me feel slightly better.

May 01, 2015


Last night and tonight: halibut sandwich with aged cheese and tomato with California medley frozen veggies with aged cheese, butter and pink salt. I had none of the bad food.  I did have a bite of chocolate and some cranberry juice cocktail. 


Back pain is increasing but so is that same old same old whole body pain. Im fixin to only work out here 3 days a week. Then I'll see if it happens at home.

Health and wellness/Note to self

I haven't worked out all week. 
Pain level,  2 or 3 , spine / muscles only so I did some stretches.   Need to see chiropractor. Slept great, pain is less than usual, most likely because I took a soma last night. Pressure is 30.06, weather is good, it's sunny.
I went off the rails diet wise and ate all the nasty things. I made a pact with myself: I ate cheesecake and donuts and cookies and a cheese danish and gnocchi.  Now I can go another 2 years gluten free. Or longer! I need to remember how bad I feel when I eat:
Dairy/lactose (aged cheese is ok)
***No ice cream, milk, etc***
Highly processed foods!!
Don't eat them Dawn! You will want to. Do not! I promise. You will feel pain deep in your body and experience mood changes!!! If you fall off the wagon, don't fall off more!!! Get back on! Saying, "oh well why not, I already hurt" will lead to a downward spiral of despair, self loathing, depression  and pain. No excuses!

Rice and oats are fine, in moderation. Occasional heavy cream, sour cream, grassfed butter, greek yogurt, ranch dressing, in moderation, is ok. Not every day!!
Gluten free pasta, once in a while, is ok!!
Paleo desserts, pancakes and breads are fine! Eat those instead! If you're going to add carbs, get them from honey, bananas,  real maple syrup, fruit!
Coconut milk smoothies!
Make better choices. You'll thank me, Dawn. You got this.

April 30, 2015


Pain!!!!! I woke up in pain! My whole upper back through my shoulder blades hurts. I hurt pretty much everywhere. Neck,lower back, mucles, sore joints. Level 5

April 29, 2015

Daily Health and Wellness Diary

Upper back is really tight. Achy bones and joints. Pain kevel... 3 or 4, but that's my upper back.  Pressure is 30.03. It's cool and a bit damp.
I was naughty last night and ate cheese sticks and a kids size peanut butter fudge shake. The pain could be dairy related,  or my body doesn't like it when the pressure shifts in any direction.  I'll be good today,  I promise! I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!

I walked 2.5 miles yesterday,  went to Maverick's with David for the pool league and had two shots of tequila. I didn't work out, but I'll have Mondays and Tuesdaysof from now on!

April 28, 2015

Health amd wellness diary

I don't feel good. I have owies! I'm achy all over, down to the bones. I'm home and in bed and my soul is screaming.
Pressure is 29.94
I ate potatoes yesterday. I'll go potato (and all other possible triggers) free for a few days and then I'll try potatoes  again and see if it's  a trigger. I didn't have any joint pain up until today.

Daily Health and Wellness Diary

I walked over 5 miles yesterday! I got off work at 12 and was very tired. I tried to nap but I was restless. I've included pics of yesterday's achievements and today's weather forecast.
Restless night but I was aware of my dog in our room. Vivid dreams just before waking. No joint pain. Pressure is up around normal. Stiff muscles in my upper back and sore lower back. Doing my stretching. Didn't work out yesterday. Will today.

Still spotting. Hope it stops soon. It's  just annoying. No longer constipated! Woot!

Ate eggs for lunch and five guys for dinner. 

Went to Tessa's meeting for her Europe trip. I'm excited!  Now I want to travel! Going to get my passport and luggage and prepare to go! ;) I want to go on a cruise. ;) And take a yoga class.

Breakfast: eggs in a box with left over ateak cut up, coffee and kombucha. 

April 27, 2015

Health and Wellness Diary

Yesterday's recorded steps 6334, 3 miles.

Pressure 29.66, crazy thunder storms, power outage, No Joint Pain. Dr. Ferry suggested it could be something in Mrs. W.'s house effecting me, since I don't hurt at home. I brought the ibuprofen,  just in case.
Sun burn is still tender, still spotting slightly with cramping, slight headache, still constipated. Muscles were a bit stiff, did my stretches. I noticed the spotting stops after a few hours.
Breakfast: scrambled eggs (from a carton) with mango pico de gallo, coffee from Stripes, water, multi vitamin, turmeric,  magnesium and fish oil.
Sat, 20 grams of fiber and Sun 14 grams.

April 26, 2015

Meatballs with gravy and asparagus

Pain diary

Woke up with no pain other than my sunburn. I have cramps. Period is due tomorrow,  or would be if I wasn't on the pill. I shouldn't get a period for another 2 months! Maybe these are constipation cramps? We'll  see I guess. Haven't had that bad of mood swings! Just that one melt down yesterday.
Period is here. I guess my body didn't get the memo. Hahaha Maybe this is why I gained weight and am constipated.  And I panicked and hated myself! Now to finish my workout.

The Secret- my notes

Only think about what you want
List the things that you're grateful for!
Visiualize what you want! See the end result.
Don't worry about the how.
Positive thoughts.
Money comes easy and frequently. Go for the inner things to manifest outer things.
Relationships :
Love yourself. Care for ourself.
DON'T COMPLAIN. Focus on what we appreciate about the other person. Write it down for 30 days.
We create our own happiness. Only one person can be in charge of your joy. Your bliss. You!
Thank you for my healing!
See yourself healthy. Focus on joy, gratitude,  health and hope. Don't focus on the pain and illness. Don't discuss it.
Don't fight the things that we don't want! What you resists persist. Don't be anti anything. Be pro peace. Pro abundance. Be pro democrat. Not anti republican.
Be informed. Not inundated.
There is plenty for everyone.  Everything in the universe is energy. God is energy. We are energy.
Focuser on who toy are now not who you used to be.  You are the designer of your destiny.
I am getting younger. I am healthy. I am prosperous. I have enough money. I am loving.
My purpose is what i say it is. Inner happiness is the fuel to success. Follow your bliss.

April 25, 2015

Meltdown in Walmart

I lost my shit in walmart and coated myself in hated and self loathing and then dumped it all on my poor David.  I'm fat. I gained weight. Their clothes don't fit! (FYI, they never do, but I'm having a meltdown here! Don't reason with me!) I'm a worthless piece of shit human. Srsly, I sabotage my diet and health because I've obvs got some under lying issues that I need deal with.
David is going to help me. I waked almost 5 miles today,  worked out and ate 20 grams of fiber! Something's gotta "give" if you get my drift! I took my stool softener, too.
We just we on a cock roach killing spree in the kitchen. They were in the cat's food! 
I'm tired. And sun burnt. And we went to the Kidz Fest today.

Pain diary

Woke up at 5:50 am in pain, which is unusual for me.  Sore and stiff muscles in back, legs,  neck. Achy bones: calves, ankles, and shoulders.  Also spine.
Heard thunder at 6:30. Barometric Pressure is 29.77 in. I've felt this bad at 29.93!
I will see if moving around or exercise helps.