July 22, 2005

thank gawd!!

We found a two bedroom trailer for $300 a month! That is less than half of what we are paying for this apartment. It has a yard! No one lives downstairs so the kids can stomp their feet! It's $300! A year lease? Know how easy that will be to sublease??? ... just in case Chantz gets a kick-ass job soon...

ahh... sigh of relief... we will not be homeless when our lease expires!! The best part, aside from being only $300!!! is that we begin renting on the first of August, but still have this craphole until the 15th. I am SO getting my $650 deposit back!!! I will have time to clean and pack and move and arrange crap how we want over and over til it is perfect! We are putting some stuff in storage cuz we have a lot of crap. According to the ol' man, he-he, we can get a storage unit for about $30 a month.


I am tired. Gotta go, yes so abruptly. It was C's b-day today and we actually had enough money to buy some food (I had to put a $300 deposit on the trailer house and that left us $60 to spend until the first). Life's been harder. happy time happy time happy time!


ps I love buffy esp spike! and gilmore girls and smallville and FIREFLY!!! and stargate SG1! and atlantis and battlestar galactica and all startreks, I love SPIKE TV and sci-fi and tripping the rift and going to bed. oh and of course CSI- Vegas baby!


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