October 31, 2006


  1. shaved my head TRUE
  2. went to 4 proms TRUE (I am a prom whore!)
  3. never voted FALSE (In the 2000 election, thank you!)
  4. was class president FALSE
  5. lost my virginity at 16 TRUE
  6. been married for 10 years TRUE
  7. hitchhiked across the US FALSE
  8. attempted suicide FALSE (Why did everyone think I did that? I am not that crazy!)
  9. been married twice TRUE (Trick question. I married Chantz twice.)
  10. was a cheerleader in high school TRUE
  11. had sex in my front yard TRUE
  12. graduated college TRUE (I graduated with my mother thank you very much!)
  13. can speak in tongues TRUE
  14. had 4 major surgeries TRUE (appendectomy and 4 c sections)
  15. am bilingual FALSE (Although I have studied spanish, french and latin, I cannot speak them!)
  16. attended numerous rock concerts FALSE (Not a one.)
  17. cooked in a restaurant TRUE
  18. joined a fan club FALSE (I was too embarrassed to join. I didn't know what I was supposed to do to join!)
  19. read my own poetry at my father's burial TRUE
  20. got my GED FALSE (Highschool graduate, baby!)
  21. joined the military FALSE
  22. pierced my nipple TRUE (The right one. It's closed now. PAINFUL!)
  23. am the only woman my husband's ever had sex with TRUE (It better be anyway)
  24. got my driver's license when I was 24 TRUE
  25. ate spaghetti twice a week, almost every week, for 15 years TRUE (Just ask my mother.)
  26. practice witchcraft TRUE
  27. have never colored my hair FALSE (My real haircolor is a closely guarded forgotten secret)
  28. worked in a psyche ward TRUE
  29. stayed up all night reading TRUE
  30. been arrested FALSE

Congratulations to my mommy for winning (25/30)! Susie came in second with 21/30.

Did I, or didn't I?

I stole this from Susie. I'm going to make a list and you have to guess which ones I may have done, or may NOT have done:

  1. shaved my head
  2. went to 4 proms
  3. never voted
  4. was class president
  5. lost my virginity at 16
  6. been married for 10 years
  7. hitchhiked across the US
  8. attempted suicide
  9. been married twice
  10. was a cheerleader in high school
  11. had sex in my front yard
  12. graduated college
  13. can speak in tongues
  14. had 4 major surgeries
  15. am bilingual
  16. attended numerous rock concerts
  17. cooked in a restaurant
  18. joined a fan club
  19. read my own poetry at my father's burial
  20. got my GED
  21. joined the military
  22. pierced my nipple
  23. am the only woman my husband's ever had sex with
  24. got my driver's license when I was 24
  25. ate spaghetti twice a week, almost every week, for 15 years
  26. practice witchcraft
  27. have never colored my hair
  28. worked in a psyche ward
  29. stayed up all night reading
  30. been arrested

Post your answers in the comments section, please!

October 28, 2006

This is awesome!

A Pagan dies and, to his great surprise, he finds himself standing before some pearly gates. The Pagan asks, "Where am I?"

Peter says, "You're at the gates of heaven."

The Pagan says, "But I don't believe in heaven."

Peter frowns at him. "You're one of those Pagans, aren't you?"

"Yes. I believe I'm in the wrong place; I'm supposed to go to Summerland."

Peter says, "Sorry. We took over Summerland, and it's temporarily closed for remodeling."

"What should I do now?"

Peter says, "Well, since we don't allow Pagans in heaven, you have to go to hell. Sorry. Just follow that path that leads downward and to the left."

The Pagan walks down to hell, where the gates are standing open. He walks in and finds beautiful meadows, happy animals, and clear streams of water.

He walks on in and begins exploring, and after a few minutes a courtly gentleman walks up to him and bows politely. "Hello, I'm Satan. You must be the guy that St. Peter phoned me about. Are you a Pagan?"

"Yes, I am. What's going to happen now?"

Satan says, "Well, the fishing's pretty good, if you enjoy that sort of thing. There's a little refreshment stand down the road. And I believe the Pagan meeting grounds are right over the next hill."

Suddenly, a hole opens up in the sky above, and a yawning chasm opens directly underneath it. The stench of sulphur fills the air. Hundreds of screaming, tortured souls drop down into the flaming pit, which immediately closes up with a thud.

The Pagan, hardly believing what he just saw, asks Satan, "And what was THAT ???"

Satan rolls his eyes. "Oh, just ignore them. They're Christians; they wouldn't have it any other way."

October 27, 2006

Presents for you!

Send me your address and I will mail you a Halloween card. Seriously! I promise I am not a stalker... anymore. Just a very bored SAHM.


Candace 2001

I did it.

I am done.

(Sort of anyway.)

And I am pooped. Wiped out. Zonked.

Go visit Candace at "Chapterhouse... My Space Oddity"

I am going to go take a break now.

October 26, 2006

We're sick

Comment please or else!

  • We have the flu.
  • The cat used my bathmat for a toilet.
  • While changing the litter box, Logan used Bruce's bed for a litter box.
  • Bruce got a tissue and said, "Ah poop!" and attempted to clean it up.
  • I discovered how fast I am, even with the flu.
  • Austin sleeps 12 to 13 hours a day.
  • Even with boogers all over her face, Brandy is still the cutest baby in the universe.
  • Tessa has the strongest immune system; she doesn't get sick.
  • Rocksy has a new home.
  • Rocksy likes them better than us.
  • I am deliriously happy about that.
  • Chantz will be home around 9 tonight.
  • After hearing about my humorous Angelina Jolie sex dream, C said, "Angelina Jolie? She's ugly. You could put her face up to a window and she'd stick. Her lips are like suction cups."
  • I am even more deliriously happy about that.
  • I have the best husband in the world.
  • Comment on this post and another entry, or I will transform into a troll and visit your site!
  • Mu ha ha ha ha ha!

October 24, 2006

2 word meme

Got this from Fyregoddess. You answer with only 2 words. Pretty simple!

1. Explain what ended your last relationship? Current relationhip.
2. When was the last time you shaved? Sunday morning.
3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Sleeping, breastfeeding.
4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Blogging, emailing
5. Are you any good at math? So so.
6. Your prom night? Which one?
7. Do you have any famous ancestors? I dunno.
8. Have you had to take a loan out for school? Yes, lots****
9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? No profile.
10. Last thing received in the mail? Netflix movies
11. How many different beverages have you had today? 5 kinds.***
12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine? Occasionally, yes.
13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? Never been.
14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? I don't.
15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had? Wisdom teeth.
16. What is out your back door? Yard, woods
17. Any plans for Friday night? Scifi Friday
18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? Ewww no!
19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? I have.
20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? I have.
21. Do you re-use towels after you shower? I do.
22. Some things you are excited about? spells, food
23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? Red jello.
24. Describe your keychain(s)? fairy, sharpie
25. Where do you keep your change? What change?
26. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? Long time.
27. What kind of winter coat do you own? Suade bomber.**
28. What was the weather like on your graduation day? Don't recall.
29. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? It depends*

*Open for the cat, shut for the dog. Not a problem anymore, dog won't be jumping on the bed in our house ever again. She was adopted by a new family today. *phew*

**I've had this Suade Bomber Jacket since highschool. It still fits! It was big when I bought it for $20 at Pamida. I got the money form my Grandma Rose. It is a maroon color mauve color.

***Milk, water, apple juice, lemonade, oolong tea

****I'm in for $20,000 with Wells Fargo.

October 23, 2006

A little Update

Email I sent to Candace this morning. This way I don't have to type it all over again!
I didn't mean to disappear like that, but for some reason the pages quit loading, so I couldn't do anything for about an hour. Bruce was a total pain last night. I fell asleep for about 20 minutes and he came in and got me up- it was about 12:30am. He was whining and growling and I put him in the crib instead of his bed and shut his door. He finally went to sleep. Then bruce woke up again at 4:30am! I put him in bed with me but I finally came fully awake when he kept kicking me and groaning. He was inconsolable. So we went into the kitchen, he woke up Brandy anyway, and I laid the smack down. He might be 22 mos, but he doesn't need to be a brat.

I sat him in the baby's bouncy chair and cleaned the boogies out of his eyes and nose and made him take his medicine again. He will usually take medicine, but not when he is in a mood. This is where having Austin first comes in handy. I can hold a baby down and force the medicine in- Bruce is not so tough- not anything like Austin was. It was easy. I told him to quit and swatted his butt. Enough is enough! I even had to force him to drink water so he wouldn't get dehydrated! I hate being mean, but I told him that mommy knows what she is doing and how to take care of sick kids, and he needed to listen to me. (I wasn't really mean, just firm.) Underneath it all he is a child capable of reasoning, unlike Austin was. I had to get Brandy up since she was now screaming, and take care of them both. I set Bruce on the couch, turned on the tv and dvd, and let him watch his little einstein movie and went to bed.

I couldn't find his bottle, we only have one anymore, or I would have given it to him. I am going to buy ovaltine today and more bottles- one for Brandy too.

Tessa has an alarm clock and gets herself up. Austin doesn't have one yet and I didn't get up this morning. Tessa comes in and says goodby and leaves. Austin finally got up around 8:30 and so did I. He has a lowgrade temp AGAIN. I am keeping him home.

Alice called this morning because I asked her too so I would remember to take out the trash. I didn't do it last night when I remembered because it was too dark to see and we have a dirt driveway. A long dirt driveway. Its a good thing she called- I almost missed them.

I am tired and feeling congesty. Bruce is awake. *ugh*
It is now 10:30pm and they are all asleep. I am going to bed.

October 22, 2006

What I know about 11 year old boys...

...is that they are big mouthed trouble makers. They are not always honest. They think they are always right and others are wrong. They don't like to admit to their faults. They especially don't like to say they are sorry.

I know this because I have an 11 year old boy. Thanks to the following local news article, I am going to keep track of every incidence of harassment to my son from a certain student. I am going to file complaints. That way when Austin finally loses it and hits this black kid, Austin can't be labeled as a racist and have a protest against him in the middle of town.

No, it's not the same situation, but the first thing I thought of after reading this article was, "What did that 11 year old do to piss that (white) junior high kid off?" It doesn't help that the 11 yr old followed up his original accusation with a LIE. OK, what the older student said was wrong, but come on, a protest? A possible fine of $2,000?

Now I ask, where is the civil rights activist standing up for the white kid? My politically incorrect take?

Get the fuck over it.

Quannell X to lead protest in Conroe Sunday
By:Kassia Micek , Courier staff

Houston civil rights activist Quannell X will lead a protest in Conroe Sunday over a recent alleged death threat by a white student against a younger, black student.
The protest, which starts at 3 p.m. in front of Cryar Intermediate School, located at 2375 Montgomery Park Blvd, follows follows an incident on a Conroe Independent School bus Oct. 9 when an 11-year-old Cryar student allegedly received the death threat from a Peet Junior High student.
Asked if CISD officials were aware of the protest, Deputy Superintendent Jean Stewart noted the district's policy toward all its students.
"CISD has always emphasized with our students the acceptance and approval of others, and we will continue to do so," she said Friday.
Stewart will discuss any possible security plans for the protest with CISD Police Chief Bill Harness, she added.
The older student allegedly threatened to find a noose and a "nice, big tree" to hang 11-year-old Carl Marshall Jr., the son of Rev. Carl Marshall. "I believe any kind of hatred we need to stop for our country and our community," Carl Marshall said about the protest. "I'm glad that people want to help stop this. I wouldn't have stood up for my son if I didn't think it was time.
"I thought this was over with a long time ago, but I guess it's not."
Carl Marshall, an associate pastor at Christian Tabernacle Church in Conroe, filed a report Oct. 10 with the Conroe Independent School District Police Department about the incident.
According to Carl Jr's statement, "(Name of student) on bus 1004 said he was going to hang me! He said this to me and (another student). (Student) said he was going to get a rope and find a nice thick tree to hang me and 'Let's hang him, get a rope, find a nice big tree.'"
Following the Oct. 10 report, CISD split the bus route so Peet and Cryar students would not ride the same bus. The routes were combined again Monday due to weather, but Carl Jr. alleged when he got on the bus Monday the same student harassed him again; school officials told the boy to behave or he would get a referral and get kicked off the bus for the rest of the week, according to Carl Jr.
But, according to CISD officials, the boy who allegedly made the initial threat was not at school Monday and did not ride the bus Monday. District spokeswoman Kathy Clark released a statement at the request of the boy's mother to refute Carl Marshall Jr.'s allegation that the boy harassed him on the bus that day:
"The Conroe Independent School District received a request from the parent of the student accused of having threatened Reverend Marshall's son," the statement read. "The parent asked that the District notify you that her child was not at school on October 16, 2006 nor did he ride the school bus on that day. District records confirm this."
The alleged threat is classified as a terroristic threat, a Class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 180 days in jail or a fine of up to $2,000, or both.
According to the Texas Penal Code, a terroristic threat occurs when a person threatens to commit any offense involving violence to any person or property with the intent to "place any person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury," or other threats, such as those caused by calling in a bomb threat.
Kassia Micek can be reached at kmicek@hcnonline.com

A tidbit of local news for ya

Man arrested after shooting
By: Jamie Nash , Courier staff

Road rage led to gunfire, a collision and ultimately an arrest after a Houston man lost his temper in traffic on Interstate 45 in Conroe Thursday morning.
Fred Preston Curtis, 36, of Houston, was charged with deadly conduct, a third-degree felony punishable by a prison term of two to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
Conroe Police Sgt. Mike Tindall said Curtis was driving his elderly mother to Dallas in his Cadillac Escalade sport utility vehicle. The trouble began, Tindall said, when Curtis allegedly cut off a northbound Ford Mustang and the Mustang's driver honked his horn. Curtis reportedly then slowed down and allowed the Mustang, driven by a Spring man, to pass him.
"The Escalade then went after the Mustang and got behind it on the freeway," Tindall said. "He then rolled down his driver-side window and fired one round at the Mustang from a 40 caliber semiautomatic."
A bullet struck the Mustang's left rear bumper. "The Escalade then passed the Mustang, cut in front of it and stopped in the middle of the freeway, forcing the Mustang to stop," he said.
Curtis allegedly got out of his SUV brandishing the semiautomatic pistol and pointing it at the driver of the Mustang.
"Fearing for his life, the Mustang driver put his vehicle in reverse, traveling backwards at a fast pace and striking another vehicle," Tindall said.
The Mustang then drove off the right shoulder of the freeway and onto the grass and went around the Escalade, still driving north.
Curtis returned to his vehicle and also continued north. The Mustang and the vehicle it crashed into while traveling backwards exited the freeway at FM 1097 and flagged down a Willis police officer. The driver of the third vehicle, a Conroe woman, witnessed the entire incident, Tindall said, and provided a description of Curtis, his vehicle and his license plate, which were broadcast to law enforcement in Montgomery and Walker Counties.
A short time later, a Department of Public Safety Trooper stopped Curtis on Interstate 45 north of Huntsville. He was detained and returned to Montgomery County where he was arrested and placed in the county jail.
Tindall said no drugs were found inside the Escalade, nor any other contraband than the semiautomatic pistol, which Curtis was not licensed to carry.
As of press time, Curtis's bond was not set.

Jamie Nash can be reached at jnash@hcnonline.com

The 1097 exit is the Kroger exit in Willis! It's a good thing I never take the 45 to get to Conroe! Even if I am in Willis, I take highway 75 to Conroe. I stay off the interstate, and for good reason!

October 21, 2006

Google Meme

This came from Jayne and sounded fun!

"You go over to Google and type in your first name and then the word "needs" and run a search. Then report 10 sentences that start with "Blank needs" right here on your blog post. Sounds simple so here goes..."

Where it says blank, fill in your name; I googled "Dawn needs":

  1. Dawn needs a REALITY CHECK. (probably)
  2. Dawn Needs a Tripod (nope)
  3. Dawn need to develop more speed endurance Mike will coach Dawn, now who the heck is Mike. ... Dawn needs an energetic and fun style to suit her personality ... (huh?)
  4. I agree, Dawn needs to get over herself. I'm willing to bet her hits and readers would go down significantly if she stopped posting half-naked pics of ... (oooooo!)
  5. DAWN needs to set up its own account with Pat as treasurer, Pat talked to his lawyer about legal ramifications and procedures ... (No, I'm good.)
  6. Dawn Needs to Firm Up Her Group's Flextime Options ... is the first area that Dawn needs to address. (The only thing I need to firm up is my ass!)
  7. She needs a family willing to go the extra mile to help her work on her feelings and get past the hurt she feels. A family for Dawn needs to be willing to ... (Ok, this one is sad)
  8. I think dawn needs some man on man action! (This is my favorite)
  9. I am not saying that Dawn needs to be as mature as Buffy was once she started slaying… but don't you think that since she has had to go through her mother ... (Oh yes, a Buffy reference!)
  10. If Dawn needs to get a life, then tanya needs to get a therapist. So far I have not seen a single nice thing said about anyone by her, whats that all about? ... (ha ha ha ha)

This was fun!

October 20, 2006

Adventures at My Favorite Grocery Store in Texas

This anecdote is at Fred Charles' Blog as a guest post; he is away doing the Disney thing. This is a true story! I didn't get my final edit in soon enough, so here it is:

Adventures at My Favorite Grocery Store in Texas
by Dawn Dschaak

"Are you hungry Bruce?" I ask my little boy, as he sits in the shopping cart whining, crying and being a general pain in the butt; the way little boys are apt to do. He nods emphatically and says, "Ges!"

We decide on chicken strips, mac and cheese and beans, and get a whopping plateful handed to us at the deli counter. Rummaging through my purse for that ever elusive driver's license, she cheerily tells me it's alright; my check was already accepted. Cool, I just found my drivers license. I put it back in my check book where it belonged, and pushed the cart over to a table where Bruce and I proceeded to see who could devour the food faster. I won, but munchkin man ate twice what I did. I was impressed. We scuttled on, to the great relief of the patrons trying to read books and scarf down their own food. They might have been disturbed by Brandy getting her diaper changed in her car seat, or it could have been Bruce's squeals of delight as he shoveled barbecue sauce into his maw... with his fingers. Who knows.

So we moved on and finished our shopping, one baby sated and another one naked. I grabbed diapers, dog food, air wicks, and some other stuff. The baby got a new diaper put on, and I tried to conceal the fact that the diapers were opened. Hmmm, no matter which way I placed the package in the cart I really couldn't cover it up. Oh well. Maybe they will think I grabbed it that way.

I thought things at the check out would be just as boring, but I was in for a treat! The checkout boy, cashier, clerk, annoying little Texas heathen, or what ever you want to call him, was extremely pleasant. He even asked me how I was doing twice! Wow, he must be very interested in me and won't notice the opened diapers. Encouraged by the fact that my favorite grocery store in Texas already accepted one check without my life's history written all over it in blood today, I confidently handed him my check.

"I'll need to see your ID," he demanded, which I handed him, thankful I already found it. "Do you have Texas ID?"

Cleverly I replied, "If I had a Texas ID I wouldn't be able to have a North Dakota driver's license now would I?"

Waving my check in my face, this young, snotty, boy pointed out the fact that I had a Texas checking account.

"You need to get your Texas ID!" he sneered.

Really? I am amazed. I didn't know that. Should I explain to this little piece of toast that to get a Texas driver's license I need a billion forms of proof of identity, a vehicle registered in my own name, and proof of Texas insurance? Should I let this cookie know that to register a vehicle I need the title that the dealership has failed send me? Should I go into my spiel about the ticket I received for not having this little gem? I really want to, but crispy clean counter clerk won't let me. He is really incensed that I am disregarding Texas State Law. Funny that Wells Fargo doesn't have a problem with it.

"Did you know you can't buy alcohol without it?"

"I have never had that problem here before."


"Well, I usually pay with my debit card-"

"It doesn't matter! You need Texas ID to buy alcohol in the state of Texas!"

"I have never been carded here before."

Jabbing his finger at the ledge which my purse, checkbook, ID and arm are resting on, he points at some writing under the plastic. "If you look under 30 we have to card you!" During his tirade, my check goes through and he starts bagging my purchases. What a good boy.

"Well, I am over thirty," I say as I grab my receipt. "Maybe when I come in here with my 11 year old, they realize how old I am and don't bother to ask!" I start to push my cart away and realize he didn't even put the groceries in it. I even moved Brandy's car seat to make room for the bags! I jammed them into the cart and marched over to the grocery store's Wells Fargo bank, wishing I had gone there first. I could have paid with cash!

I vented my frustrations to the bank tellers about "the grocery clerk over there" as I made my deposit. I even got to complain about the problems getting my new driver's license.

"What kind of alcohol were you trying to buy anyway?" the bank teller asked, handing me my receipt.

"I wasn't."

October 15, 2006


Ma finally put her 5 random things meme up on her site! I tagged her way back on the 9th! Go visit her please, she is still new to blogging.

Austin is sick with a fever of 101.2, down from 101.7. He has a cough, headache and neck pain, but not a stiff neck. I gave him medicine and put him to bed with a cold pack after a cool shower. I am keeping him home from school tomorrow.

I am feeling tired, too. I have been running around a lot today. We spent 2 hours at wal-mart shopping for Halloween costumes and stuff, after we had spent an hour at Kroger in Willis. I took Bruce home in between stores and had Austin babysit. I didn't realize how sick he was until I came home from Wal-mart with the girls (Hailey came with). Poor guy!

Hailey and Tessa got matching costumes- red "Spanish dancer" costumes with a long string of beads and black tights. Less than $20 for all of it. I also picked them up a kids makeup kit- not Halloween makeup, just regular little girls makeup kit.

C is on his way home already. That is so cool. We didn't have phone yesterday because someone thought it would be a good idea to drive into the phone box up the road from us, taking out all of our phones. No phone, no Internet! Ahhhhhhh! It sucked.

I have to go clean now, and make supper, and hope Brandy stays sleeping so I can do that, even though it means she will be up late tonight again. *sigh*

October 14, 2006

Content Copyrighted

I don't know how many of my readers use this site's rss feed, but it has been changed from full to short. If none of you do, I will simply shut it off. I do not like seeing pictures of my kids and family on someone else's site, esp when they are profiting from it. Thanks granny for bringing the bitacle debacle to my attention.

October 11, 2006

Me Me Me

You Are An Apple Tree

You are quiet and shy at times, but you have lots of charm and appeal.
You are quite attractive: your pleasant attitude, flirtatious smile, and adventurous spirit draw people in.
Sensitive and loyal in love, you want to love and be loved.
You are a faithful and tender partner - who is generous in sharing your many talents.
You love children, and you need an affectionate partner.

Your Birth Month is December

You love life and exude an outgoing, cheerful vibe.
Blessed with a great sense of humor, you can laugh at adversity.

Your soul reflects: Celebration, success, and wealth

Your gemstone: Blue Topaz

Your flower: Narcissus

Your colors: Indigo, green, and blue-green

October 09, 2006

5 Random Facts About Myself

Jayne Darcy tagged me.

  1. I love to read. My parents tried grounding me from reading when I was in elementary school, because if they sent me to my room, I would crawl into my bunk (top, of course) and whip out a book. The cruelest punishment I ever received still gives me chills. They made me watch the evening news!
  2. I used to be grunge. In high school I had really thick, wavy, dirty blond hair. I shaved underneath so it wouldn't be so thick. I was the first in our school to wear a high ponytail with a buzz under it. I wore a flannel shirt as a skirt. Open it up, with the collar at your butt, bring the front around and button all the way down. If you can button the top, you are too skinny or you are using a very big shirt. Bring the arms to the front and tie then together. Wear with more flannel and high tops. Do not wear make up, and listen to music from the 90s, like Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Offspring, Soundgarden, Bjork, The Breeders, Concrete Blonde, Duran Duran (Come Undone), Aerosmith and Metalicca. Oh, and get pissed at everything; you are a teenager.
  3. I love the song Stuntin' Like My Daddy.
  4. I am embarrassed if people think we own this huge-ass house. We don't have lots of money, or good credit, and we could not afford to buy something like this. So I make sure everyone knows this house is part of C's wages. How pathetic is that? We once owned a 14 x 70 trailer that we purchased brand new, back when our credit was good. I am still proud of that place and sometimes I miss it. No way we could fit 4 kids in it though!
  5. I miss my dad. Sometimes I will just start to cry, especially when I am listening to the radio. He loved music and liked to cook. He played the drums, and could use every sewing machine at the mill that he managed. When I was little he would bring me to work with him and the girls would sew me doll clothes. I fell asleep on a heap of scrap fabric once. I loved going there, even if the nightgowns they made were the ugliest things on the planet(functional lingerie, not exotic!) It closed and he went to the factory in Glens Falls, but my grandpa retired and Dad was stuck working for an asshole, so he quit and went back to school. Dad was very sick and got a liver transplant in 95, before Austin was born, and died 8 years later. I didn't get to see him much as a kid and I regret it. I put him on a pedestal and he will always remain there.

I am tagging Ma (Gail), Cletus and Marlee. Please post your "5 Random Facts About Yourself" on your blog.

October 08, 2006

Don't worry

I may not be around for a few days, so I may not be answering emails or visiting your blogs. I still like you! I am just taking a few days off. I have some projects to work on that take up my time, and Big C is home.



October 05, 2006


We finally have television! The dish network installation guys got here in perfect condition yesterday after a trip from Houston, about 50 miles away! Apparently, Dawn gives good directions, ha ha. We live in the boonies, remember?

Now we have over 60 channels, plus local channels, for about $30 a month. Our cable wasn't that cheap back when we could get it. Installation and equipment was free, including a DVR! OM! A DVR of my very own? I am in love with it. And you can guess what the very first show I recorded with it last night.

LOST! How did you know? I waited till the older kids went to bed and viewed it! It is so easy to set up to record stuff. Throw out that old VCR I tell you.

I had to watch the first segment again! It totally threw me. I wasn't expecting that community at all to be on the island! Wow.

My 2 cents on relationships: Sarah is a bitch. A bitch who gives up. Who never tries. Who is afraid to put effort into her relationship. What Sarah did to Jack is not acceptable. You don't just give up on your first year of marriage, without ever saying anything to your husband, or hinting that something is wrong, or that you feel neglected. You don't just see someone else and spring it on your husband and tell him it's over, you are with someone else now, and expect him to just understand, or expect other people to think this is OK. This is not OK. You cannot do this and blame your husband; tell him it's his fault. You do not throw it in his face that he will always need someone to fix. The problem is you, Sarah. He didn't make you stray, you made you stray, and you are a BITCH.

"It's not who he is, it's who you're not." Then maybe you shouldn't have married him. Maybe you suffer from the nurse nightingale complex. Maybe you should think about why you married the man who saved you. Maybe you will always need to be saved.

I hate this about TV, that this type of thing is supposed to be acceptable, and it is not. People work through their problems, they don't run away from them. They talk to their spouse, they get counseling. They at least try.

Jack is not my favorite character. He is too holier than thou to the other survivors. Too alpha male for my tastes.

I like Sawyer. I like Sayid. I like Kate. I even liked Anna Lucia.

But Sawyer is my favorite. For a man who spent his life pretending (con artist) he is the most open and honest person on the island. He doesn't pretend to be anything other than what he is.

October 04, 2006

Cat Dream

Salem, Ma's orange tabby, came sauntering by and let me love on him. He is a bit timid/wild and even tho he was our cat once, he usually hides from us. Surprised, I gave him the attention he craved, now he is a big black cat, but not Logan; they have different types of fur. He looks at me and starts crying, and he misses me and I feel sad. He has a nervous tick, my in-laws tell me- this is their cat (IRL Larry would never have a cat in the house) and he is self conscious about it. His head whacks people in the face when they try to kiss him and he loses fur like crazy. It comes off more like a sheet; they help peel it off of him daily and yet he still has more fur.

What an odd dream. I don't think anything is wrong with my cat IRL, but maybe its a reminder to get his shots.

Or maybe I am the cat and this represents my issues with being close to people. (I don't like getting kisses on the cheek from the kids. It's something I suffer through, but I don't twitch and headbutt, lol.)

October 02, 2006

After all these years...

... Big C wants me to contact his cousin Chessy. WTF? She asked Alice for pics of our kids, and C wants me to send her some. I haven't talked to her since our wedding- she did something stupid and pissed me off. Don't fuck with a girl's wedding- it will definitely put you on her list- for life.

I even deleted my account at classmates.com because she kept trying to contact me. (I also wouldn't pay so I couldn't actually find the friend I was really looking for.) She isn't a bad person, but she is high maintenance, and I already have one cancer to cater to (Big C).

If it hadn't been for Chessy, I would never have met and married her cousin Chantz. Her and I were friends for 4 years before I met him. They are two weeks apart- their moms were BF's who married brothers. Her parents divorced a long time ago. When we met, C didn't care much for her, she was a trouble maker, her life was messy, and then St John told his brother, ie the police, that I was in contact with her when her and her boyfriend ran away (she was 17 and he jumped bail). I was pregnant, and gave them the post cards she sent so I wouldn't go to jail. This led to her old man getting picked up, but not her; runaways are not top priority. He didn't get into any trouble for skipping bail, got resentenced in his favor, and they got married. But I was on his list for betraying them, and she wasn't allowed contact with me. We grew apart, she got divorced, thank god, and we haven't spoken or seen each other in 9 years.

And now I am going to write her a letter and send her pictures of her cousins. What can I say? She's family.