November 08, 2005

Puppy issues

What the hell is wrong with my dog? After being outside for about an hour, I let her back in. We had to leave so we left her downstairs; the entry to my "dungeon" gated. We were only gone for an hour. She knocked down the gate, shit on my floor and on my bed!!! Again!!! She used to shit on the kids beds all the time when we first got her. We cured that by leaving the doors shut and making her spend most of her time outside. Now that we've moved this crap has started again. I don't know what to do. She should have gone while she was out, right? Last time she crapped on my bed, we cleaned it up, then my dumbass of a spouse left the door open and she peed on it. I soaked it with odor nutralizer pet cleaner and FLIPPED the mattress. So why is she still doing this? It is so damn gross! T he only thing I can think of was that:
A. There was food in her dish still, which she ate then had to poop
B. When she knocked down the gate she got into the big bag of food, ate and pooped.

But why? And how do I fix this? How do I help my puppy? She is a 6 mo old german shepard and she is driving me nuts with this behavior. I try to train her, but she still mouths and grabs stuff, and jumps and does other acts of naughty mischief. We NEVER give her people food, yet she is always trying to eat from the table. Or jump on top of it.

Her area, btw, just outside my space, is uncarpeted and large- she has 3 rooms to roam around! She can shit there if she needs to! I understand she is just a pup. But why the hell does it have to be on carpet or ON MY BED?

Please, I really need advice. Help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help us please, if you can.

1 comment:

Fred said...

Hmm, I'm not an expert, but...

Maybe if you reward her every time she poops outside, then spank her when she goes inside, she might get the hint?

About the food thing - my dog is the same way. I think they all are. I forgot how much they'll do to get our food. We've trained ours to lie in a bed close to the table while we eat.

And finally, there's nothing like an old fashioned whoopin' to get them in line.

Good luck.