I stumbled upon something today- not life changing or altering or anything, just something I find interesting. As I was reading one of my daily blogs, I noticed its author was a Cancer. Cool, my husband is a Cancer! Isn't that weird?
Not really. But I decide to go and see what the signs are for my other favorite bloggers. And of the 7 blogs I frequent, four are Cancers. One is unknown, one is a Leo and one an Aquarius.
But four are Cancers. Isn't that weird?
In case you are wondering, I'm a Capricorn. So come on Fred- what's your sign?
Oh thank you! For the other readers, FredCQ posted a short story today and asked his readers to help continue it and I did, yay! You should all check it out! (At Sentenced to Write, click on his name.)
I am just surprised that I surround myself with cancers because my husband is a cancer! I must really like what they have to say!
I'm a Leo. And, everytime I read what Leo's are supposed to be like, it fits me perfectly.
Dawn that is pretty neat. How weird.
Ironically Capricorns are not supposed to get along well with Cancers or Leo's. Leos are too flashy and Cancers need too much attention.
But I'm married to a sign that Cancer's aren't supposed to marry either - and it's great. It's the best kind I think.
Good on ya for picking a Cancer...he's even luckier than I thought!
Fred, thank you for sharing. That puts Leos at two. The other one is SirTalksALot- the first blog I discovered. I must have been attracted to his "flahiness", lol!
Leo is my opposite sign on the, well, sign thingy. My mom is a Leo and we tended to clash a lot way back when.
"Cancers need too much attention."
This is so true! Chantz likes to stay home and hates when I do stuff without him, which is rare. He is also an only child!!!!! His 1st cousin is two weeks older than him; she's a cancer too. We were close friends for years before I met Chantz. God she drove me nuts sometimes! Always had to be the center of attention...
Shit! "flashiness"
Learn to spell, dummyhead!
Chantz is like that FredCQ. He just wants my attention. He actually doesn't like attention from others. I think its cute.
I'm a Cancer! :-) And what Fred said is true...I like individual attention, but not the spotlight.
I tend to have a lot of earth-sign friends, as well as some air signs.
I have no idea what other bloggers are, except now I know yours, Dawn, and Nico is an Aquarius. ;-)
When I did my tally I actually went to your blog and found out your birthday- therefore your sign, lol. You're one of the seven. Sorry, no gold stars!
BTW, does Nico have a blog or website?
Nico's is negativesubspace.com
Nice site!
[url=http://vaznymtl.com/blnd/abhl.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://chlsuggo.com/gnzq/wnrf.html]Cool site[/url]
Well done!
http://vaznymtl.com/blnd/abhl.html | http://ugzuxyqa.com/ilya/argx.html
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