May 07, 2006

Been having contractions. Its normal. But last night they were regular and 8 minutes apart. Then they quit. So I am not doing so much today as yesterday.

The play went well, what I got to see of it anyway! Bruce kept talking (in his own language) to the people on stage and when they got louder, he got louder! So I left the camera running and went in the hall. It only ran for an hour, but we still didn't get out of there until an hour after that.

Finished 2 rows on my quilt. I have 6 left. Then I will try to sew them together. Ha! Lets see how that works out. Gotta go. I'm tired.


Granny said...

My dil is due about the same time as you and she started contractions on Friday (her last day of work at my son's insistence).

Had Braxton-Hick before that of course.

I wonder if either of you will make it to the 20th.

Rowan Dawn said...

Doubtful, granny.

Tomorrow I have an ultra sound. He can check to see if I am dilated then. Isn't that cool? I don't have to get poked and prodded! Keep them fingers to yourself doctor, thank you much! And you, too nurses!

Candace said...

I figured something was going on when I kept looking for a new post over here and there wasn't one.

I seriously wonder about people who still say depression is "all in your head" - HELLO??? where have they been???

You're stressed and you're tired and you need your mate = NORMAL!!

We love you, Dawn-Marie. You're gonna get through this.

Rowan Dawn said...

I understand, Candace. I have know Alice since 94. She is a good person, but she doesn't understand what she doesn't understand. I have learned it is easier to just say nothing sometimes than to try to explain it, because then I feel like I am trying to justify or defend myself. Screw that. I am an adult and don't need to explain myself to anyone, other than Chantz that is. So I keep quiet, or at least I try to.

Sometimes I accidentally put myself in a situation where this happens and it takes me a minute to realize what is going on, but then it is too late. I feel this lowers me somehow if I allow it to happen. But since it has happened a few times recently, I am more intuned to it so I can prevent it from happening again. So if I slip and say something, anything about my situation someone wouldn't understand, I can just reroute the conversation, say something silly, or just ignore it. It is only a jibe if I let it get to me.