July 25, 2006

ABC Meme

arm hair or back hair: arm
book I like: making your child mind without losing yours (dr kevin leman)
Chore I don't care for: laundry, dishes
Dog or Cat: cat
Essential Electronics: computer
Favorite Movie: pirates of the carribean 1 and 2
Gold or Silver: silver
Handbag I Carry Most Often: cool bag susie sent me
Insomnia: 2 month old baby!!
Job Title: SAHM
Kids: 4
Living Arrangements: big house in Timberline
Most Memorable Moment: getting caught ------------
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: ------------
Overnight Hospital Stays: apendectomy, holloween, age 4; 4 babies
Phobias: spiders, being trapped
Quote: i want your mommy
Religion: still looking
Siblings: (i'm the oldest) nate (1/2), laura (1/2) and kimmie (step)
Time I Wake Up: 9ish
Unusual Talent: you tell me
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: peas, they are from the devil
Worst Habit: head picking
X-rays: lower back
Yummy Stuff I Cook: i bake stuff
Zoo Animal I Like Most: big cats