March 22, 2007

I think that you ought to know...

...that I am in excruciating pain. I made a deal with the devil dentist, to have the rear molar removed, rather than canaled and crowned. I got credit for what I already paid for, and had an exam done. I will instead have the rest of my teeth repaired, so I never have to go through this agony again.

But I am in PAIN! I was not given anything for the pain after the extraction, and I am hopped up on OTC pain killers and I am in AGONY! I have a headache, and I think the pain in my lower jaw is aggravating the nerves in my upper teeth. I feel extreme soreness as well as toothache pain, and I have a splitting headache. The baby is teething and screaming and Chantz is in Glendive.

The icing is that I figured out that my antidepressants DO NOT work and that I have been depressed for at least 3 weeks.

I need to be saved from myself.


LZ Blogger said...

Sounds like you may need to see a TMJ man! ~ jb///

Anonymous said...

Call the dentist and ask for some decent pain meds!!! Don't suffer!

Blank said...

I agree with Badoozie (for once!). I hope you get some help soon, too.

Zanthera Degore said...

My dentist only gave me 750mg of Ibuprophene (Advil/Motrin, I can't spell) when I last got a tooth pulled. It worked pretty good.

Candace Williams said...

Yes, call the dentist!
One time when nothing was working to kill the pain, my dentist told me that the infection in the area was preventing the medication from getting to the nerves around the tooth, so after he cleaned that out, the meds worked.

I'm sorry that on top of everything else, you're depressed, and you've got screaming kids and no help, Lavender. That sucks. But if you can get the pain relieved, that'll at least make it more bearable.

Good luck, hon.