September 03, 2007

It's been a while...

I have been on anti depressants for a few years now, and guess what?
"Research has shown that people with bipolar disorder are at risk of switching into mania or hypomania, or of developing rapid cycling, during treatment with antidepressant medication."

They only made things worse! I might have been less depressed, but my episodes of Mania increased. Ni-i-i-ice!

A new semester starts tomorrow, for both me and Chantz. I don't have my final grade yet; the exam is part essay and takes longer to grade. Chantz is going to school for (computer) game design. How cool is that?

Oh, yeah. It's also big C's and my 11th wedding anniversary.



Zanthera Degore said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Candace said...

Good thing Lithium works, tho - it's not strictly an antidepressant.

Happy Anniversary! So, what are you two doing tonight? [evil grin]

Deech said...

Happy Belated Anniversary. Here is hopin that everything went great for you!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Margaret said...

Nah - they just reported that smelling popcorn last week causes cancer. The media is full of shit. It's always back and forth, a guessing game on what is good and what is bad for you.

I'm also bi-polar. With a light on the medication attitude, but heavy on the therapy and natural elements. It's not easy but now at age 40, I can say that it does improve.

More often my balances level off and my swings are less prominent. I'm calmer yet my Dr. still says I'm compulsive. Phooey. It's bullshit.

If yelling at my husband and daughter to PLEASE pick their freekin socks up off the floor and find the damn hamper is compulsive, then so be it. A little less rudeness and a little more consideration by those in my life would be waaaaaay better than a little pill.

That's my reasoning. Hang tight, I'm on the same roller coaster with you.