July 18, 2016

Whole30 Reset and a 6 week challenge

I totally let myself go off the rails yesterday! All because of a tablespoon of butter??? Yeah, don't do that. I'll feel worse in the long run.
Walked this morning and caught 2 Pokémon. 2300 steps! I had 2 scrambled eggs with coconut oil, 1 cup of coffee and ate 4 almonds for the heartburn. Now I'm drinking jasmine tea.
I reread about insulin resistance on Mark's Daily Apple. This is why I need to weight train to lose weight. Also walking, sprinting, drinking tea, going somewhat low carb, meditating, getting enough sleep, turmeric  w black pepper, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, vinegar,  magnesium, liver, grassfed butter, pastured eggs, and paleo will help become insulin sensitive.
David said if I am unhappy,  then change. I explained what it entails and asked if he would do it with me, at least for 6 weeks. I need to be held accountable!
Goals : to lose 18 lbs of fat OR 2 dress sizes (from 18 to 14) by August 29th.
Plan: Follow a lowish carb paleo diet and do a body weight workout 3 times a week, zumba, wii fit cardio, or sprints 5 days a week and go for daily walks with the kids.
David will let me know later today. :)

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