August 12, 2006

August 9th was... "wedding" anniversary (not the same day on which we eloped) and my mothers birthday. I got a call the day after from Ma telling me about her birthday present from work. She had an mri done on her back and went to the chiropractor and called work to say she would be back in later that day. They called her back and fired her! The mri confirmed that her back problems are completely work related, she is already on workmans comp. She was fired on her birthday due to a work related injury. Then yesterday she got a certified letter from work suggesting that she write up a grievence against the gal who fired her.

She doesn't know who sent it. Not that she really wants it back, and I have been trying to get her to quit forever, but she is very upset and misses the clients. She went in to get her stuff and the clients sang happy birthday to her. She left crying. Sobbing. And had to get a shot of valume. It took a bit to get her knocked out, but she finally calmed down. She works with developmentally disabled people and has worked at the company for 8 years!

I had already sent her a packet of info to see if she would move down here, and they might. She is doing volunteer work at the domestic violence shelter right now and wont be able to come until the end of this month. But Bill can come. C and Austin just left late last night for MT, and I am going to ask he if he bring Bill (my cool stepdad) down with him. I don't "work" (I am a SAHM, so I am pretty busy) so I can show him all around. They are specially interested in the flea market in cut n shoot.

I don't think she will have a problem finding a job here. Oh, and she was the only employee with a college degree, and hers was in her field. The poor gal just doesn't know how to kiss ass and backstab I guess. She has been having problems with this job for a while now. What gets me is that they didn't fire her when she was hospitalized for emotional problems but for a work related injury.

Grr Argg. But at least this way her and bill and uncle Dave and Jason and the 2 dogs, 3 cats and 3 birds might move to Texas! (There is no other work in Sidney worth doing that could start her out at the pay rate she would need. Also, now she wont be able to afford her antidepressants come the first.)

I didn't do anything special for our anniversary, lol. If you are wondering where all my apostrophes are, so am I. For some reason it opens up a weird search bar in firefox today! O well.


Oh great One said...

That' not very cool of her employer! What comes around goes around. They will get theirs eventually.

My anniversary is coming up this month too!

Granny said...

Belated Happy Anniversary.

Sorry about your mom. She might have a grievance at that. She would in CA.

Rowan Dawn said...

thanks guys! she should get workmans comp still. They could have at least done it in person and not over the phone.

Margaret said...

:sigh: Long gone are the days of retirement parties and the spiffy gold watch awards.

She'll get the workman's comp and if not, the attorneys that help with such a claim cannot take from her comp wages. They always win. So there also is an option.

I'll keep her in our prayers and that would be great if she could move down with you! I live so far away from my family and it would be fabulous to have someone near by.

Anonymous said...

Typical money saving technique. Fire the person before you get the work related papers. I don't know about the states but here your employer pays for workman's comp (CSST here).

Best wishes for all!

Rowan Dawn said...

thank you Marlee. I updated in the new post about Ma.