August 10, 2006

Really weird dream

Chantz and I had a baby boy that in this dream we gave to our neighbors, the ones who adopted the puppy. They have 8 kids already (IRL!) so what was another one? At one month old they asked me to baby sit him and Maya (puppy). We were looking for a new place to live so I took Bruce and Bruce2 and the two dogs to look at an apartment. I get there and it is an open house and tons of college kids looking around. No one will help me with my troop! I get everyone unloaded out of the van and get into the appt. The lady shows us around, and doesn't mind when the dog pees on the floor. It is a very small living room and kitchen, but it will work for us I think. She pulls this liner out from between the curtains onto the floor and uses it to soak up the pee. It works like magic! We turn around and I see 4 doors lined up for the bedrooms. It is at this time that I start to miss this baby. I didn't even think about him until we got him back, and there is no way I am giving him back to that family- I think I have 3 months to change my mind. So we enter this small room, and a male friend of mine is there (not a real life char), his mom is showing us the appt, and I tell him about the baby. We squeeze into this tiny bedroom, because it is furnished and the tall bed takes up most of the space. Then we go into the next room over, and it is huge! Massive! It isn't a bedroom at all, it is another living room- it goes on and on. It too is furnished. This will work for us I think to myself. Way in back is a kitchen and some other people are coming from the side- more college kids. I feel like telling the lady that I have 4 kids, so I need this place! We explore some more, and now Chantz and the kids are here with me too. I am getting more and more anxious about Bruce2 and tell C that no way in hell are we giving the baby back to them and am really concerned that we ever did in the first place. We go into a room that doesn't have such high ceilings, and I count the bedrooms to make sure there really are four. When we get into the hallway/massive closet thingy, the "lady" is bigger and has royal purple underwear on under white pants. She attacks C and tells him how much she is attracted to him (but she isn't pretty anymore, she is tall and thick- not fat, big boned I guess). He gets creeped out and pushes her away with his finger tips. The look on his face is priceless. Then she attacks me (sexually). It doesn't help that i am stressed about the baby situation. The house has an older feel to it- afghans and dated furnishings. It is built more like the flats in upstate New York. Odd. Chantz woke me up when he came back to bed. As I started to wake up I realized that they gave the baby back to me on purpose cuz they wanted me to keep him. Why else would they have the birth mother babysit him at 1 month old?

This dream creeped me out and bugged me all day.


Oh great One said...

It's funny how the dreams we have at night can affect us in the "real" world the next day isn't it? I once had a dream that my husband was making out with another woman and I was ticked off at him for the better part of the day! :)

Anonymous said...

What OGO said! I was thinking the exact thing, and once I had a dream my husband was cheating on me too and felt weird about him the next day, even though he did NOTHING WRONG! LOL! But by the same token, I bet that dream made you really appreciate your kids though! I had to laugh how you called the unreal baby "Bruce2" It has an oddly scientific sound to it, in a dream realm where science does not dare tread!

Margaret said...

Eeek! The expanding never ending house with lots of doors dream. I've had a few of them and still haven't figured out the interpretation. Wouldn't it be so cool if we can just wish an addition or room to our own homes and wallah... there it is! -Margie

Rowan Dawn said...

r58- the dream was full of anxiety. while i went around doing all this stuff, the baby theme never left me; which is very realistic.

ogo- i have had that happen too! It is usually followed by a kick! He'll never kow it was on purpose, lol!

ann- i dont know why he was called bruce2, it was odd. I now keep wondering where brandy was. i would like to have a scifi dream, that would be cool. but not real science, lol!

margaret- i have had house dreams before, usually reaccuring, but this was a new house. it did keep expanding! i had a dream a few weeks ago that we discovered a whole new part of our house we never saw before. it was huge! and then it had a door outside- but outside was a fantasy realm! i forgot about it until now...

Granny said...

What reverberate58 said.

I don't remember most of my dreams and that's probably a good thing.

Gail said...

Dawn your a brat. On luxor I got to 8-4 had Bill play 8-4 and he died. He played again all the way til 8-4 and got through w/one life, so I played 8-5,6 and died on 6 and have to do that stupid 4 again. Ugn