February 03, 2007

Texas Gov. Orders Anti-Cancer Vaccine

"AUSTIN, Texas - Some conservatives and parents' rights groups worry that requiring girls to get vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer would condone premarital sex and interfere with the way they raise their children.

By using an executive order that bypassed the Legislature, Republican Gov. Rick Perry - himself a conservative - on Friday avoided such opposition, making Texas the first state to mandate that schoolgirls get vaccinated against the virus.

Beginning in September 2008, girls entering the sixth grade will have to receive Gardasil, Merck & Co.'s new vaccine against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV.

Perry also directed state health authorities to make the vaccine available free to girls 9 to 18 who are uninsured or whose insurance does not cover vaccines. In addition, he ordered that Medicaid offer Gardasil to women ages 19 to 21.

Perry, a conservative Christian who opposes abortion and stem-cell research using embryonic cells, counts on the religious right for his political base. But he has said the cervical cancer vaccine is no different from the one that protects children against polio.

"The HPV vaccine provides us with an incredible opportunity to effectively target and prevent cervical cancer," he said."

Read the rest...


Rowan Dawn said...

How awesome is this?!

Zanthera Degore said...

Well women's clinic that I worked in was all about HPV plus everything else that may come along with it.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is too late for a lot of girls. Best thing to do is tell girls how important it is the have a yearly pap, it's the only way to detect HPV if you have it.

Rowan Dawn said...

This will help cut down, though! I would hope they get their yearly paps as soon as they get their cycle!

Zanthera Degore said...

HPV is sexually transmitted. As long as you haven't had sex yet you don't have HPV and can get the vaccine.

Besides it's not that hard to live with HPV. Imagine 3 months of 4 days a week, 20 patients per day and I only saw one case where the girl had to get a hysterectomy because of HPV. About 10 treatments a week to remove PRE-cancerous cells (takes years on average to turn into actual cancer.) The rest are just observing whether the body can suppress the virus (Many don't even know they have HPV cause they can suppress it)on it's own.

The whole thing is just to get more money by scaring people with the big C word. Do your paps and you're safe.

Candace Williams said...

When I first heard about this, I wondered, now why would a "Christian" conservative fundie like Perry do something so ... humanitarian? The answer, of course, is in the fine print. The drug's manufacturer, Merck, doubled its lobbying budget in Texas and Perry's former chief of staff is one of Merck's lobbyists. Who knows what-all went on behind the $cenes.

Margaret said...

The Hippy in me isn't cool with enforced vacinations but preventing HPV/cervical cancer is a wonderful thing.

I'm all for education and offering this as a no-cost or lo-cost option for all girls and woman.

Rowan Dawn said...

zan- the vaccine is expensive, but worth it. I had a family member who had cervical cancer.

badoozie- your son goes to public school- so they already have forced shots off onto your kid. and if he somehow isn't immunized, you and I are going to have a long, long, long talk. :) Since this is an executive order, the only way around it is to homeschool, or move. I would make my girls get it no matter what!

Candace- yeah, but we won't look a gift horse in the mouth. Maybe he has family who has suffered from cervical cancer, or any type of cancer. Who knows what motivates the minds of men?

Margaret- I get where you are coming from, but I think a lot of people don't realize just how traumatizing these childhood illnesses are that we get immunized against. My mom has a friend in a wheel chair because she had polio as a kid. My kids won't have to suffer through chicken pox, either. I, too, am glad that this is given at a low cost/no cost to our children! And for you sexually active older singles, you might want to hop on the band wagon and get yourself vaccinated, too. Or do as marlee says and get yearly paps. I will admit, I am behind on mine.

Bad girl, bad, bad, bad!

McBunni said...

Yea! I totally agree. I don't carw how much parents "know" their girls aren't having sex. 99% of sexually active teens don't tell you 'till years later.

McBunni said...

P.S. And I'm totally for immunizations as well. Why run the risk when you don't have to? I just wish it was MANDATORY. Parents can still opt out of shots. Bad.

yellowdoggranny said...

I was so shocked that Good Hair Perry actually was doing the right thing for the citizens of our fine state..I nearly choked on my bacon when I read that in the DAM News..wow...how great is that...?

just read down to what candace wrote..NOW IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE....thanks for that update..