February 18, 2007

Two major things you should know

First of all, Austin didn't get a ticket for hiding under the desk, but for disrupting class, since the teacher had to completely stop teaching to deal with Austin. The assistant principal was called and then the police, because Austin refused to do his classwork.


He was disobedient and disrespectful; he has know respect for AUTHORITY. The cops ordered him out and to do his work, and he still refused, and they wrote him up. He was sent to in school suspension, where he sat thinking about what happened for 20 to 30 minutes, which is normal for him; he processes things slowly. I was called and told to come pick him up before she called the police again because he hadn't completed that assignment.

She fucked up in many ways. First of all, there was a substitute teacher and this was in the resource room, not the regular classroom. She demanded he do that assignment, continuously rather than move on to something different. She should have just let him sit there, because that is what his homeroom teacher does and it is effective. He will get on it of you LEAVE HIM ALONE. She should have called us first. She made a threat and felt she had to follow thru with it and it was Austins fault. Do not make threats you don't want to follow through on.

I just wanted to make it clear, that it is about perceived authority, and that the assistant principal and the cops took Austins actions personally and made it about themselves. That was never the case. It is and always will be about Austin!!!!!

The second major thing you should know, is that my new computer is broken. Yup- they are sending me a new one. It is possible, although we are not sure, that it is due to downloading an incompatible version of people pc, and that it caused the pc to permanently fail. however, the tech wasn't sure, and since nothing worked to get it back again, he figures there is something wrong with the computer itself. It has windows Vista, and I am giving you a piece of advice. Before downloading any programs, make sure that they are compatible first!

It is also a strong possibility that I lost everything I have recently made in paint shop pro and any art I have purchased and downloaded. That is because when we installed vista onto the old computer, all my folders are still there but the content is gone. C says it has to be there and he will try to find it. It was all transferred onto the new pc, but that one croaked. Light a candle for it, please! May it rest in eternal disquiet for screwing me. :p

This time I will not cry!!! Candace, this loss includes your new template. If I can't get it back, I promise I will make it again! It maybe slightly different, but it will be done!!!


Anonymous said...

well dangit! i know all too well the calamity of losing everything on a computer. i hate computers but they are a necessary evil. i will be waiting patiently for your return, and i hope you cheer up soon

Granny said...

Darn. I don't have any plans for Vista unless I win the lottery but if that happens, I'll remember the warning.

That teacher is an idiot.

The police?

yellowdoggranny said...

it's the people pc...that's what crashed my second computer..they are a crime against nature I'm telling you...soo sorry about your puter problems..I know where fore you spake...mine is still fucking up...think I am just going to delete the entire hard drive and start all over...good luck...will keep checking on you to see if you can post..

Candace Williams said...

When you were talking about them calling the police, I thought WTF, was Austin threatening people with a baseball bat or something??? Noooooooo ... he didn't LISTEN TO AUTHORITY! JFC.

About the other problem, the PC? The Mac is looking better all the time. I don't have one, yet, but whenever I can upgrade, that's what I'm buying!

Good luck, Dear Heart. Hope ya get back online running smoothly etc. real soon. Don't worry about the small stuff, including my template.


Jayne d'Arcy said...

Really am sorry to hear about ALL of this trouble. I wouldn't go near Vista with a 50 foot pole and it looks like we'll be looking at a new computer purchase, soon. This one crashed this weekend. Don't ask me how I managed to make it finally boot... I've no idea. Hubby is thinking we should switch to Macs. I don't know.

Anyway, give that teacher a kick in the potash. She called the police??? ye gods!

Zanthera Degore said...

Ok putting off buying computer till Vista gets better ground. I hear it's also hard on old hardware if you are upgrading to it.

Although going back to Mac seems like a good idea. I just don't like the lack of options for them in software.

Will be waiting or you as well. Take care eh?

Zanthera Degore said...


A new place you might like to express yourself. A friend of mine just opened it up and thought you might get a little more support.

She's a SAHM of 4 as well.

JBlue said...

What a mess right now, but it will all get better, you know. Hang in there, gf.

Gail said...

Dawn, I want to kill this dove, I feel like taking him and putting him in the exhaust pipe of my car. He's driving me fucking nuts. Every time I come to this room to go online or exercise the does that fucking cooing and I want to kill himl. But Bill would get mad. I know this has nothing to do w/what you posted.
But I was reading your blog and he started in, I hate him.
Bill just came back from someone's house he was working on Vista for them and says he hates it. There is so much wrong w/it. He says he will go on Lenox before vista.
Is Austin getting any better in school?
Love mom

An CailĂ­n said...

I need to know. Where on earth do you live that teachers can call the police for not doing their work?? And that students can recieve tickets for not doing their work???

Candace Williams said...

We miss you!
Bad old Dell people! :<

Bekke said...

I can't believe a teacher would call the police over something like that! Talk about a waste of everyone's time! Some people never cease to amaze me.

As for computers, I know how you feel. I tend to break mine every so often. :-) Although in your case it's probably just because Vista is so new, and they don't have all the bugs worked out yet. Hang in there. It'll get better. :-)

Rowan Dawn said...

OH MY GOD BEKKE!!! You found me!!!!! You need to email me right away girl!!!! dawndschaak@gmail.com. Wow!!! I saw your name spelled like that, and I thought NO WAY! It can't be her, and I clicked on your profile and wow!

This is so damn cool!!!!!

Everyone, Bekke and I went to highschool together!!!!!! She and I were best friends but lost touch with each other when she went to college and I started making babies!! Wow!

Bekke said...

Hey Dawn! I emailed you on Saturday! lol I take it you didn't get them? I emailed you at dawndschaak@gmail.com. I'll try it tomorrow from work. :-) Maybe my email provider isn't so good. lol

Bekke said...

Or you can just email me at fuzzyocelot@hotmail.com. It's my all-purpose generic email that I can access from work. :-)