February 09, 2007

New Theme: Awakening

I made this cool new theme with images purchased from Folkvangar. She is a wonderful digital artist, my bloggie friends! If you don't like it, remember that you can use the theme switcher on the right hand side to choose the theme you prefer.

I wanted something a little bit darker, and I put this piece together this morning. I have been tossing ideas around for a few weeks and have an awesome desktop image with the same girl, different background. I used brushes from 1 green eye** to get that specific look I've been craving!

For those of you not into grunge, I have a "clean" version I can put together. If you would like to see a neatobadeato header on the Awakening Theme, lemme know in the comments and I will make it.

After staring at it myself, I caved and went with the other version. It didn't turn out how I liked, lmao. All that wasted time... *sigh*

**I have been going to 1 green eye off and on for a very long time- she has fantastic psp brushes and backgrounds, but she didn't talk about herself much. So Ihad no idea until today that she is a witch, which I just happen to think is very, very cool. I have some catching up to do over at her blog!


yellowdoggranny said...

people always call me a witch...or at least I think that is what their calling me..

Rowan Dawn said...

jackiesue- rotf!

Anonymous said...

yeah, i get called that but without the W part. mostly with the B part

Zanthera Degore said...

A witch with a B. I get both often.

New layout looking good.

::subliminal message - switch to WP you know you wanna!!::