September 04, 2006

I was so excited...

...when I saw this, I just had to blog about it. It just made my day that Amy Brown now has pottery, that I instantly wanted to share it with the world! Or, at the very least, my few fellow bloggers.

But I am a multitasker. I have anywhere from 3 to 6 tabs/windows open at a time. It's a sickness, ok? And while visiting Lady Tawodi, I learned of this.

How very, very sad. I started to cry, disconnected the internet and called C. He said, "the world has lost a very good man."

I couldn't agree more. You will be missed, Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter!


Rowan Dawn said...

suz- it is beautiful. i have a link to her other site, too. she has lots of cool stuff. i dont know why i am so sad about it, but i am. c and i are fans.

Anonymous said...

The croc hunter was cool. I'm glad that my daughter does not watch his show though. I wouldn't want to have to explain to her what happened!

Margaret said...

My daughter seen the Croc Hunter for the first time last night while the news showed footage from his show. I believe the Animal Channel is showing back to back episodes since yesterday.