September 23, 2006

Whoop dee do

I have recently been irritated by a blogger- a barely 20 something- who goes off about how she cusses, and fuck off, etc. She is elitist, and has rules for who she rents her blog to- like the world spins only because she wiped her ass this morning. Sorry- it bugged me. I don't care if you swear on your blog- but it doesn't make you super cool if you brag about it. You are not that special. I would go into greater detail, but I really don't give a shit; that's why I haven't bothered to mention it before.

I bring it up now only as a introduction to a blogger who actually is super cool, whose expletives would make a sailor blush, is 62 years old, and makes that other blogger seem even more like an young, annoying twit than she already is. Blogger number one is a bitch- she's mean, annoying, thinks she's cool cuz she swears, gets in your face about her trauma and is elitist- "my blog is best" "my code is perfect" "don't even ask to rent my blog if yours isn't" " sidebars have too much stuff in them" "don't even ask to rent my blog if you use a default design" "I'm a web designer and a blogger so fuck off I know everything and I was ***** so don't fucking feel sorry for me but I am going to mention it in everything motherfucking post because I won't let anyone forget that I was ***** know matter how long ago it happened and all cops suck....."

Oy vey. You won't find that shit at this blog. You will find a very humorous woman, with an attitude deserving of her age, who will entertain you with her wit. She can make a can of diet doctor pepper seem like the most interesting thing in the world. Her sidebar is long, but does use a drop down menu or two, uses a default design, doesn't give a fuck, and she's from Texas!

Go visit yellowdog granny. Now go away and drop a line.



yellowdoggranny said...

well, whoop dee do is right! I dropped by to say howdy and thank you for commenting on my hatred of diet dr.pepper post and find are just so sweet...and I really do appreciate it..I will link you if that is ok...and will come back often..trying to picture in my mind where willis texas is...sounds familar...will google it..ha
come by anytime..and sent that little punk bitch to my blog..ill spank her ass....

Anonymous said...

yellowdog granny- 40 miles north of houston- 8 miles from conroe in montgomery county.

"ill spank her ass...."

she needs it, lol. your welcome!

JBlue said...

Oh, I know YDG, and she kills me. There was that line about her sitting on your couch, scratching or something, and asking for seconds that had tears rolling down my cheeks. She's a favorite.

Granny said...

I don't know blogger #1 (I don't think). The only 20 year old I know just turned 21 and she's a doll.

I sure know Blogger #2. We grannies stick together. She is so funny and her year by year posts bring back memories (she's six years younger than I).

All that music and history. And of course her personal story.

Gail said...

is this blogger going on and on at your other blog place? Sounds like she really teed you off. mom

Deepak Gopi said...

You are blessed becuse Deepak Gopi has visited your post.
I am going to shower all my blessings upon u and your post.

yellowdoggranny said...

oh man..deepak visited me too but i didnt get a blessing..guess he figured if i had the goddess on my side i didnt need his blessings..hehe

Margaret said...

Deepak Rocks. I gotta blog on him again sometime.

Wow Dawn! I'm so glad I never ventured into "rent a blog" yet. That sounds scary and insane.

Yellowdog Granny seems like a much better find. I'd get along with her also.