September 10, 2006

Stuff and a dream

Tessa is having a sleepover... her friend Hailey who had a birthday sleepover last weekend. They took Bruce for a walk, made a huge mess in my house, and Hailey made us a cake- chocolate, yum! Her grandma taught her how. I supervised. Hailey has a sister named Stormi. Chantz wanted to name Brandy Storm, but I didn't think it fit. Why didn't I think of Stormi? That is cute.

Austin is all pouty because his friends can't play. The neighbor, shelby's dad, yelled at Austin and told him he couldn't ride his motorcycle on this road anymore or he would call the cops on him. Hmmm, he rides in front of a cops house all the time and he has never said anything. And other kids rides them around here, too! Asshole. He and his family moved out here first, and boy do they act like they own the whole neighborhood.

weird Brandy dream-
Brandy was carried by C in this pouch, which he washed and forgot to take her out! I got her out of the machine and she was fine. I was soo freaked out. Her arms and legs were all tangled up but she came out fine, except her eyes! I thought she had stayed above the water, but they were tiny and cream colored! The soap hurt her eyes! I told C we had to take her to the hospital because she might be blind! Then I woke up, all panicky, and in my sleepiness wanted to go back to sleep to find out if she was ok.
I ended up having other weird dreams instead. I only remember fragments of those.


Granny said...

What Susie said. Unless a motorcycle is being ridden recklessly or over his lawn, he should mind his own business.

JBlue said...

I hate dreams like that. They can leave you feeling out of sorts half a day.

Rowan Dawn said...

Thanks guys- that family seemed nice at first, but now i think they are weird. not from texas either- mississippi.

jublue-it creeped me out. At least the washer was full of water still! I got her before she went thru the spin cycle!

Ann said...

LOL! that dream is hilarious! Sounds like something I'd dream about my animals!

Rowan Dawn said...

Ann- it is very funny! But I was so freaked when I woke up, it seemed real to me! You dream about wierd stuff happening to your pets all the time, lol!