March 27, 2006

And everything in between... what a cliche

The stupid dog woke me at 5:30 to go outside. Of course I can't go back to sleep once I have been woken so I moved to the couch to try. Can't have her barking at 6 am so I had to let her in. Put the whiner into her crate. She is so going into it tonight. I still don't like this dog. She acts like a baby. An 80 pound baby, do you see what I mean? No one can pet her, she'll ram her head into their crotch. I may have to pick up training her again just so she can stay in the house. She starts begging from Bruce because he likes to feed her. He'll steal my no bake chocolate oatmeal cookie to give to her! Grrr.... So I had to practically sit on her to get her to stay in the entry while he ate. Ok, I exaggerate a bit, but not about my dislike for her. Don't hate me, but I don't like her. I don't like our dog. I wish we had a farm. Then she could run all day chasing rabbits and other small creatures. Everyone else just lets their dogs run free. The southside is terrible for that. She isn't as viscous as she once was, a good sign I guess that she is growing up. Neighbors got a new dog so we have to listen to her (Rocksy) barking again. She can put her front paws up on the top of their fence. So she is irritating me and maybe that is why I don't like her now. I am very sound sensitive and I CANNOT listen to her barking out there. It is very loud. She's pretty tho. Everyone says how pretty she is. MIL has our digital video camera or I would possibly post a pic of her. MIL says to let her have a litter of pups and she'll be a better dog. Does this mean she'll grow the f@ck up?

I called Tom the other day, meaning two weeks ago, to set up an appointment to come and finish our 4th bedroom. You know, the 4th bedroom in a four bedroom house we have been paying 450 a month for since November? The forth bedroom that was supposed to be finished two weeks after we moved in. Did the handyman show up on Saturday? Did I expect him to show up on Saturday? Am I surprised one bit that he didn't? Or that we couldn't reach him? Hell no.

So today I get to go visit my landlady, not her husband, and set things straight. It's not our responsibility to make an appt with Tom. It's not our responsibility to make him keep his appts or reschedule them. We need that room so we can get settled in! The baby is coming and right now the nursery is in our room and the computer room. We have a bed for Bruce and it sits in here and the crib is in our room 3 feet away. It's more than crowded. We want to put Austin in the 4th bedroom and Bruce upstairs. We would need a baby monitor, but that's ok. We don't want Bruce's room down here because he climbs stairs and there are two sets down here. Austin's room is next to one of them, but it has a door we always keep shut. Then we can rearrange our rooms- these two are tiny and not optimized very well. It's hard to sleep when Chantz is playing EQ with Mike (they talk on the phone) but if I put the fan in our room and shut the door it is ok. I want the TV in there, but then they can't watch it while on the PC. That is fine with me! I want to watch it in bed. They can play XBox just as easy from my room. Plus then if I am blogging I don't have to hear it. Our Xbox remote broke; if we get a new one we'll have a DVD player in our bedroom. We took out all the crap from the unfinished room and set it on the pool table (now where am I supposed to do laundry?) I have to go thru all those boxes now. Most likely I will restuff them and take most of it to the shop for storage.

I have a lot of crap I could talk about, but shouldn't I shut it off now? I signed Tessa up with the Glendive Wet Devils (a play on Red Devils, our other sports teams)- swimming, obviously. The kids went rollerskating Friday night and loved it (there went ten bucks) and bowling the next night (fourteen dollars) with Tessa's friend. The little girl lives in Kansas with her dad and was just here for the week or I would never see my daughter. Tessa wanted money for the book fair on Friday and I gave her ten, told her to spend only five. Did she buy a book? Nope. Did she have change? Nope. Did she buy a a bunch of crap for her and her friends? Yep. Because they made her? Yep. Did she come home elated because so many kids wanted to play with her that day? Yep. Would I give my baby girl money to blow on her friends all the time if I could afford it?

Hell yeah.

Who has you wrapped around their finger?


Granny said...

Sounds like my house.

My son just got a dog and purchased a training collar. Otherwise the "puppy" would be walking him.

Rowan Dawn said...

totally irrelevant comment. its my blog so there:

"Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised."
- Marilyn Manson