March 13, 2006


In this dream a girl I used to work with in the mental health unit at our local hospital and I were taking an intro to nursing course. We both joined the class after it had already started, missing a few weeks each. We started at the same time and they weren't going to give us credit for the class; we would have to take it over. While sleeping I felt this part was familiar, as if I was continuing a dream from before. The girl decides to sue the school into letting her take it for a grade because she could make up the work. For some reason I had not done this yet and the instructor gave her a project to work on but not me. I told them I could do it also and that I was going to sue the school, too. My friend helped me to do that. then I did the project, which was a sewing project. We had to sew a red velvet bag together. A simple bag with two long handles in a square shape. The first time I did mine wrong and had to redo it. I also took the book and turned in work from the first chapter. I really needed to take this class.

Later (after having been awoken by Bruce and moving to the couch because I was irritated that Chantz was sleeping facing me- yeah I get weird when I am tired) in another dream, I was trying to get some from Chantz and stuff kept happening to prevent it. A lot was going on and I don't remember too much except that I finally took care of the "problem" myself. (lmao!)

1 comment:

Rowan Dawn said...

Drives me nuts! I even switched sides of the bed.. he just has to sleep facing the center! Argh.... I face the outside, or lay on the side that the baby isn't occupying. And sometimes that means I have to face the middle, and THERE HE IS.