April 21, 2006

Do you get it?

You know those propane commercials with the two guys wearing white tshirts that say "electricity" and "propane"? Austin and I were watching the one where electricity wanted to take a shower and propane said it wasn't a good idea. Austin must not have realized these commercials are ads, because he didn't get the joke. He sought meaning behind it, like they were teaching kids to keep electricity away from water. It took me a few commercials, but by the time the animal show came back on I finally got him to understand.

You know the funny home animal video show on animal planet? (He is on cartoon restrictions: no goofy ones, so he's been watching AP or the History channel) This is the type of show I turn the sound off on. The jokes are sooooooooo lame! (but we lost the remote, so...)

Austin didn't know they were jokes. He thought the guy was telling real stories about these home videos. Once he knew they were jokes, he laughed and "got" them, even the lame ones.

Last Tuesday his IEP "team" at the school once again denied that he is developmentally disabled.

Do you get it?


Anonymous said...

Re: animal's funniest home videos: Those were jokes?

Granny said...

Silly question but have you tried going over the heads of the "team"?

Oh great One said...

I always to voice overs to those Funny home video shows!

Rowan Dawn said...

Yes, Ann those were jokes. Or some evil form of torture.

Granny, I could get an advocate from PLUK (parents lets unite for kids) and the school would bow down and kiss their asses, as well as mine, but we are moving to Texas- so screw it!

Oh great one, we like to make fun of the people narrating the show, or we put it on mute. Those animals are cute and funny on their own!

Rowan Dawn said...

Oh Great One- You have not voted yet and I couldn't find an email address for you on your blog. Just scroll down to a few days ago and you will see it, ok? Please please please vote!