April 10, 2006

Underneath the Bigotry...

...is a layer of truth. Thin and veiled, but there. And I just can't stay away. Nor can I disagree with everything she says. I see the irony and the sarcasm, buried as it is in her inflammatory posts. I can't stay away.

Sometimes I think she is just having fun- a nice gag blog, but then something she writes just hits me. It does this in two ways. She says something so outrageous it seems that she is putting the focus on the issue by reversing it. I can't explain it. Here is an example:
"...I don't have it half as bad as our great leader does. It seems some dirty hairy Harry Hippie was caught jumping the fence at the White House. He was screaming "I am a victim of terrorism!" while acting like a freaking terrorist himself. Wearing a 'God Bless America' T-shirt to disguise him as a true patriot, this whacked out wacko was subdued by anti-terrorism teams. The unidentiied man must have been a real threat to America, just like Saddam Hussein, as it required nearly a dozen armed officers to subdue him."
In her blog, she openly supports Bush. But is this because she thinks he is as wonky as the rest of the sane world? Hmmm... let's move on.

The other way she gets to me is by her satire, her dark comedy. Think of a comedian saying these things- then they would be funny, hanging on to an anchor of truth. Here is another example:
"Don't come to my country and wave your flag around , Jose, this is America and the only flag that should be flown is the good old Stars and Stripes. If Mexico is so great, go back there, because you're obviously too ignorant to learn our language anyway. I hear you speak it to each other all the time up here, and I know you're discussing throwing over the white Christian majority and replacing it with the Papist child rapist church of Idolatry."
Sorry, but I just can't stay away. She is politically incorrect, but who isn't? Is this a cover for speaking her mind about taboo topics by going so overboard she leaves us spinning? Is she just screwing with us? I know it isn't "real", it can't be. But what is her motivation? Does it even matter? I don't know. What I do know it that I just can't stay away. Tell me what you think.

Visit Carrie Oakey, but do so at your own risk. For those of you with a weak stomach, I suggest you stay away. This little girl just might be too much for you.

BTW, that last part about the papist child rapist church of idolatry slays me. Totally, honestly slays me! But capricorns tend to be irreverent.


Granny said...

Been there once - it was enough for me. Her "stepbrother" has left a couple of comments on granny. I deleted the first one and left the second.

I think the whole thing is a spoof.

Rowan Dawn said...

Ahh.. but what is the motivation behind the spoof? Attention? Or something a bit more political? I've taken too many lit courses not to analyze everything I read. I just can't help myself.

Oh great One said...

It's not worth my time. I don't like the idea of touting yourself as a "Good Christian Girl". If you are you don't need to shout it. People know. She's looking for attention.

Rowan Dawn said...

So no one thinks that she is being sarcastic? That there is some meaning to her blog? I just see more into it I guess.

Rowan Dawn said...

OK! I will stay away! Sheesh...


Granny said...

I think she's trying for political satire but for me she's over the top.

And I'm sure it's a spoof just as I believe that she and step-brother are one and the same.

That's just me of course. I don't like the political blogs that spend all their time ranting and accomplishing nothing. Or it could be that I take myself too seriously.

It's her blog - she can do whatever she wants on it.

Anonymous said...

I laughed, but I sort of felt guilty laughing. My take on it is that it's concoted by someone(s) who actually *hates* opinions like the ones "she" supposedly has (overthetop right-wing "Christian" zealots--although I seriously doubt a real Christian would be so self-centered love me I am great I hate Jews and Catholics...but what do I know being that I'm not Christian!)

I don't think it's real, I don't think she is real. I think it's a parody on the whole rightwing zealot thing.

Or here's a thought...maybe it's made to look like a leftie pretending to make fun of rightwingnuts, but it's really by a ringwingnut.

Or maybe it's really by a leftie pretending to be a wingnut making fun of lefties making fun of wingnuts.

Or maybe it's just Bill O'Reilly in drag.

Candace said...

Here's the scary part for me, Dawn: these people (assuming she's real, and I'm afraid she is) really, really believe they are Christians. Therefore, whatever they think God is telling them is right, and the rest of us are wrong. Then they can justify doing whatever unspeakable things they please because they believe, actually believe, that it's God's will. The Nazis belived that too, Dawn. And so does Osama Bin Laden.

No one believed the Nazis would ever gain power, so they were ignored as "those kooks" until it was too late.

Rowan Dawn said...

"Or maybe it's just Bill O'Reilly in drag."

rotflmao! I wouldn't doubt it. while I know its a fake, I think it is a parody- of somesort. And I too think its funny, too. Call me bad!

oh, and I love the term wingnuts!

Candace, I think "she" is making fun of those people by acting like that. I know they really exist and it is scary.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't her picture look like somene pulled it off a porn site...she's got a nasty bit of ugly-looking dribble going down her left shoulder. Ew.

OK, I feel bad for saying that...what if she is real and that's not a naughty bit of I-won't-say-what, it's in fact a scar or something. Isn't it bad of me for accusing her of being a porn star if she's not?

Aha! But if she then *IS* real, then I don't feel guilty for saying that because the things she spews (in the name of supposed goodness, no less) are nothing but vile hate speech.

Either way...she's a hatemonger with a scar that looks like a porn star, or, whoever is doing the parody site pulled the pic off a porn site.

Rowan Dawn said...

Yeah that spew is pretty nasty. Is there a way to google an image? Like, to see if it came from somewhere else?

And I wouldn't feel bad about the porn thing cuz either way she is nasty. I am sure the author didn't use a real pic of herself. I read her whole blog and there are parts that I know are fake because she went a little too far. No one is that naive! (about her step father raping her "whore neighbor" and she didn't know anything about it. cuz he was just witnessing to her. uh-huh)

JBlue said...

I think Carrie and her stepbrother and that sister are all the same person or a team of people creating it together. It's irony, of course. Mocking the religious right, etc. I look in on it occasionally. I find bits of it funny now and then. It's like unrefined Sarah Silverman.

Rowan Dawn said...

Jublu- I love Sarah Silverman.