April 28, 2006

Little bits

When Chantz comes home he will stay home, yes!

My name isn't on the title to the van so I still can't register it. I must get his power of attorney, notarized and faxed to me then they will take my our money.

I have not worked on the baby quilt in a week. It is what I will be spending my nights on. There is no way I will attempt to use the machine around the baby! He is too grabby.

Bruce got three shots today and will need three more in a week or two. One of them was vericella, aka chicken pox. Its a live vaccine and someone who hasn't had c.p. could get it. Tessa has to get a shot (sing-song voice). She is dreading Monday.

Since Tess is spending the weekend with her friend, I don't have to worry about exposure. Her friend lives way out of town and they have horses and sheep and stuff. She gets to go riding!

I finally finished reading Mossflower, the second Redwall book. It was excellent. Now I am reading the newest installment in the Dragon Riders of Pern series, Dragonsblood, written by Todd McCaffrey, not Ann. Todd is her son and they cowrote the last book together. She also has a new Acorna book out that is next on my list. I joined the Sci Fi book club and I am well stocked.

Speaking of well stocked I ordered $50 worth of books from the Scholastic Book club at Tessa's school. They should keep us busy this summer! I am concerned that they haven't come in yet; my check was cashed.

Oh yeah, duh! And this is what I actually wanted to post about. What kept me occupied this past week is the blog template I was working on for Candace. I had her send me a detailed list of what she wanted, and boy was she thorough. I was great! She knew what she wanted and where to put it, she just didn't know how to do it. Writing the html and css is complicated and time consuming, but I really like doing it. I love how the colors turned out! Plus, my inbox was always full! Back and forth and back and forth, until we got every detail straightened out. I learned that what one person likes another may not, and sometimes it was pretty funny.

Anyway, we are finally finished! Ok, there are a few minor changes to be made, but other wise it's done! So please, check out Chapterhouse by Candace.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Dawn, you are wonderful! I'm so pleased with the blog, and impressed with your expertise.

People, it's like she held my hand all the way through. I'm very grateful.