April 16, 2006

Dreams- Santa and bananas and who knows what else

So I just had a Santa Claus dream. First we are living in a very nice house and I went around shutting all of the windows and doors for the night so no one could get in. I also was worried about Rocksy getting out and about, just like I was IRL tonight. Then I go to bed, but wake in the night and go inspect the house. The sliding door is wide open and I feel stupid because after all of that I forgot to close it! After I shut and lock it I notice the front door is open, too and I realize that Austin opened all the doors because he was hot (just like he told me IRL tonight). I look outside down into the street- we must be on a hill, and I see a procession going down to the other end and stopping at a big tree. I figure it is the town getting Christmas stuff done, since it is Christmas time and they have presents and stuff. City workers are dressed in black jackets and the town mayor is dressed like Santa, or so I think. Perhaps I go back to bed, because then I wake again to go check the kids and Santa is in our house with his black coated "elves" and there is Austin talking to them. Oh no, I think! Now he won't believe there is a Santa Claus! Then I realize that it is the real Santa and not the town doing this. I here Bruce wake and I get him and bring him out and he just looks at Santa who looks very much like Grandpa Larry now.

I am going bananas when they make me think of bananas. This one is weird and wonky. In a big room full of people and these two guys are on display in the middle on a pedestal. The leader at the front of the room says they will never be allowed to work in the lawyer/detective/police field again but they will be drawn to it. I am working somewhere and I start talking to a band who played there- I know them and I thought they were awesome. For some reason it is a big deal that they are much younger than me. What becomes an even bigger deal is that all my coworkers start crowding around me, verbally assaulting me asking about this band, why do I like them? Who are they? Why? They are backing me in a corner and make me think of bananas and everything gets shaky and sucked in and I am reminded of the movie butterfly effect as they press me out of this time into another one. What are they trying to subdue? What are they trying to make me suppress? Forget? Is it like those guys treated like criminal from before?

Then there is a room in a school and these two girls are talking about how this gal got raped the year before after a play and they don't seem worried about it (sorry Susie, please don't cringe, lol.) Then as they are talking some gal gets attacked in another room. But it is very surreal (I know, that means dreamlike ;D) and it really isn't rape. It is weird and confusing, and I wake up IRL because of every little noise I hear.

I am afraid the kids will open the basement door and forget to shut it and the dog will go upstairs and eat all of the Easter candy and eggs and other goodies scattered up there. I was too tired to close the gate into the living room when I came down stairs as an extra precaution. But if I really did this, the kids would have to open it to get to the darn basement door anyway. I have been waking at every sound and this needs to stop. I got up and checked the door, went potty and noticed the computer was still on. Since these dreams were so fresh and I didn't want to forget them this time, I decided to post them right away. It has been a while since I have put up a good dream post.

Later, and please forgive the mistakes. It is now 4:49 am and I am not wearing my glasses. And blogger spell check sucks.

Happy Easter!

These dreams were in black and white which is unusual for me. That is why the elves' coats looked black.


Granny said...

Happy Easter Dawn Marie

Fred said...

Happy Easter, Dawn. Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend.

Rowan Dawn said...

Right back atcha!

Jamie Dawn said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.

4:49 a.m.???? I don't even know what that looks like!

It's been a lovely Easter here. I hope yours has been good too.

Rowan Dawn said...

Jamie Dawn- I went back to bed as soon as I was done. I just really didn't want to forget my dreams this time.
