April 19, 2006

I finally know...

...what happened to Alias on TNT. A while back they replaced it with yet another rerun of the horrid series Law and Order blah blah blah.. I just can't stand those shows. It was my 2 pm life saver...my fix... and now it's gone. So I finally went to the TNT website and searched for it- Alias comes on at 11 pm mountain time and plays until 3 am on Wednesdays. That's 5 episodes a night! So I am going to program the VCR to record them tonight, and I can play them whenever I want. From the episode guide, I believe it is close to where I left off and I am excited. Since I'm programming the VCR, I shouldn't miss any or forget. He he he, ha ha ha.

No, I am not watching the new episodes; I am too far behind. I just found out Vaughn is dead and Sidney is pregnant and I really didn't want to know that! Although it does make sense considering Jennifer Garner...

And don't think because I put up a new post you can get by missing the last one, my dear readers! Oh no. GO VOTE NOW! Your sanity depends upon it. *evil laugh*

Geez, I'm kidding...



Granny said...

Another weird thing to add to my list. I'm a L&O fanatic - all of them from the very first episode of the original. I will admit they're not as good as they once were though.

Rowan Dawn said...

Susie, are you an idiot? Click on the fucking link or read the previous post. MY LORD GIRL!

Drink some coffee already! ;p

Galactica is great. Alias is an ongoing show like galactica or lost. like a soap opera once a week at night!

Rowan Dawn said...

You guys know I am only teasing Susie, right? I sometimes think I come off a little strong.

I got very little sleep last night, so I am sorry if I sound crabby. My brain isnt functioning clearly.

Jenn said...

I like your template, well done!

Im boring and have no time for TV. I wait for the episodes to come out on DVD and buy them by the season. (plus commercials suck)

I remember watching the original Battlestar Galactica. I was in love with Starbuck.

Rowan Dawn said...

Emma S-

I know I have seen the old starbuck actor somewhere else. But where? And I think Sci Fi plays the old show all day once a week or something. The new starbuck is pretty cool, but I like apollo! yee haw.... ::grins::

Bar L. said...

Hey Dawn, I like all the names you have picked out for your little baby girl but wish I knew how to pronoucne them. I like the first one the best.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!