April 03, 2006

Doot da dooo...

Well it's the end of day 2 of Chantz being away again, and the night still went wonky. It's ok though, we were alright, just not orderly. We watched The Goblet of Fire, and it didn't end until 9:30. So we skipped story time, but everyone was happy and went to bed shortly after. I must admit I stayed away about halfway through the movie. I just knew they would get on better without me there. I tend to get really - ok I am a big pain in the ass and knew I would piss them off or start a fight. So I removed myself. It probably doesn't help that I didn't get my pills two days in a row. I have them now, but will take them in the morning. I knew how I would get because I got that way last night. Austin was testy and super whiney and he sucked me right in. I realized I was being bullied within hours (hey, it's almost a routine now- C leaves, they get controlling, I don't give in, they are nice, C comes home, they get crabby at him.) I still couldn't calm myself though. Once they Austin got me going it took me a while to get calmed down. I wouldn't rise to the bait today. I don't know what it is he gets out of getting me upset and crazy- it's probably like when he wants a glass of milk even tho he's allergic to the stuff.

I was referred to a book today called the Impossible Kid and it is about children's allergies. Austin's new councilor recommended it. He seems nice and I think it will work out. He said he thinks it will be very hard to convince a judge to charge a developmentally disabled kid with assault, like the school wants to do. It just reminded me that they aren't treating him like a disable child again, but a bad kid, an emotionally disturbed kid. We talked about his diagnosis again and how the school is limited in treating him by his label and he said he can hook up up with PLUCK (a child's advocacy group) if we need it. He said schools rarely fight PLUCK, so they must be good. But it is almost the end of the year, he is still only going 3 hours a day, no plan is set to lengthen his day and he isn't socializing like I want because he only spends science with his peers. They threw out the good schedule that had him going 4 hours off the bat because of the advice of the evil school I didn't want them to have contact with, other than to get his records. So fuck them.

Like it matters anyway, Chantz is in Texas with his parents because they are moving the business down there- finally. They had planned to stay down there and work while Chantz stayed here and worked, but business has fallen off up here due to the season and some other stupid stuff. So he went to Conroe and hopefully they will make enough money to stay. His parents were even looking at houses yesterday. C was supposed to go looking with them today but I have not talked to him to find out how that went. I don't want to call now because he is probably catching up on his sleep. We won't move until the baby is born- I could care less about school anymore! But I am going to have the baby here and then we can go. I am not in too big a hurry as long as I know we are going for sure. I actually like it when he is gone. With him on call he is always around and it drives me nuts. Plus I can't get anything done while he is home. I just finally got used to functioning with him away so now I have to adjust to also functioning when he is around a lot. In Texas it won't matter that he is on call; he will probably work every day at least! (Meaning he could get more than one run per day.) Seriously, the day after he left I spent the day cleaning- and didn't have one single problem with it. Now I just have to keep it up and finish the projects I have started.

Money is tight, so some will have to wait and I am ok with that, but I can't forget about them. Hopefully his parents will give us the rest of the money they owe us from buying our car so I can pay the auto insurance. We were short this month- We had 4 debits go unrecorded and got overdrawn (I only made one mistake, Chantz had four!) The od charge was only $12, but our account has a minimum balance of $100 and that had to be replaced. So with that, the amount we were over and the $36 total in ODC's, equals our insurance payment. Ok, so it is the last one I paid because I almost forgot about it, but the student loans have to be paid first anyway! I am going to call the swim team people and get my $40 back; we will be in Texas so I can cancel that. And I did something stupid. I ordered the slipcovers before I did the bills- so that was $128 I could have used for the darn bills. It's ok, we really really need slipcovers, our couch is totally disgusting, and if they come through with the money we will be fine anyway. It's just that they are slow sometimes and I may need to call and tell them that we desperately need the money right now.

The slipcovers are from Surefit (except that I ordered them from JCPenney's because they were so much cheaper!) We are getting the green suede. I was hoping to get the performance twill with Scotchgard fabric protector, they are also more sleek and smooth, but I wasn't fond of the colors. Too light. So I let the kids pick them out. I gave them choices that included clearance items and they both separately picked the green. So I guess they know what they are talking about. Not only will this make my furniture less grotesque, but it will help bring unity. My new (also clearance priced) curtains are burgundy, and the couches are red. Bleck! I ordered a few things a while back from LTD Commodities (wow are they cheap) that will also make the room more organized to the eye. I am trying to inexpensively give meaning to this room, for the first time since I have lived moved out of my parents house ('94). There are a few things I would like to get from Target, but I can't order them right now since we are having money issues. But they are on sale and I would hate to miss them- they may go out of stock. I like the global bazaar items from the website. There are these adorable boxes and elephants I have my eyes on. Nice, rich, dark colors, unified in theme- I can't wait. The hodge podge must go. Actually, it already has. I cleared off the entertainment center of the most offensive items and hid them or put them in Tessa's room. Now we wait.

I am getting excited.


Oh great One said...

I hate all those bank charges they hit you with! It makes it so much worse!

By the way I can't get the word "wonky" out of my head! It's catchy!

Rowan Dawn said...

Oh great one- bank charges are terrible. our old bank was $20, so I am happy with $12! I like wonky too! I can't remember where I heard it though.