April 24, 2006

Life calls

I am very busy and may be occupied for 2 to 3 days. Today is bill day (so they can be mailed tomorrow) and that will take me hours. *sigh* I have to go through a bunch of stuff I shoved in bags when we rearranged the house, so there go a few more hours. Since I can only work well down here when Bruce is napping, this may take a while.

Tomorrow I will continue my work for Candace. Sorry if I don't get to come see you guys; I am not ignoring you I swear! It's just that today life calls.


Granny said...

You mean a silly thing like keping the lights and phone turned on comes ahead of blogging? Oh right, you need to keep the computer on too.

Go ahead. We'll be here.

Oh great One said...

I understand. Good luck getting all your stuff taken care of!

Candace said...

No pressure, dear heart!
Do what you need to do, whenev - ok?