February 26, 2006

And I'm still sick

***Grossness Warning: the following post refers to bodily functions in some detail. Proceed with caution!***

I have this terrible thing called post nasal drip. Which means I also have a sore throat, since snot keeps running down it. That makes me gag, choke, and cough. I cough so forcefully that my whole body convulses. Then guess what happens? Yep, I pee! I get colds, then I get stuck with post nasal drip for 2 or 3 weeks of hell. I take claritin, but it isn't working too well right now.

At least I am not up in the mountains this year. I have allergies up there that make my throat constrict, my body convulse and breathing very hard to do. Plus there's that pee thing. I bought these thick pads last spring, but can't find them and I had a bunch left (I got pregnant in August, remember? No allergies, no period, the dang things should be here somewhere!). Now I have to wait to tomorrow to get them so I don't feel like an old incontinent lady. A pregnant, old incontinent lady! Benedryl works great, but it knocks me out for at least two hours! The only other thing to stop the dripping is tylenol cold and allergy or cold and sinus- yellow pills. Trust me, I have tried every antihistamine out there.

Know what doctors prescribe for PND? Decongestants. "Let's just let it run!" Ok, then it pours down my throat rather than drip, causing me to choke so hard I throw up. That happened when I was pregnant with Bruce and I had a sinus infection. The doc gave me a decongestant, and all I had to eat or drink was blue gatorade, thank god! Can you imagine hocking up red gatorade in the shower? That would have been nasty(er)! Plus it makes the soar throat worse!

I try to clear my throat like my aunt and grandma do; they have suffered allergies for years, but it just doesn't seem to help. It hurts less, and I don't "you know", but I do it constantly! Blowing my nose constantly gets annoying, and sleep? Ha! The best cough drops are the ones that numb the throat completely (oral anesthetics), I cannot recall their name right now. They taste like shit, but work great. I just googled cough drops... Sucrets! That's it! Extra strength Sucrets!

The dog is howling. Gotta go!


Granny said...

I bet your nose is sore too. I do the same thing and it's miserable.

Rowan Dawn said...

Granny- too true! I really hate being sick! I have even had to sleep sitting up or on my tummy with my head bent forward- so the snot runs out my nose instead of down my throat! Poor poor pitiful me. ;D

Oh great One said...

I wish I had some magic cure all for you but I got nuttin.

Rowan Dawn said...

Yes FCQ- it is the new blogging virus. It is being transmitted through the schools and sent home with children of bloggers. one more example of how the public school system is evil. Or what Susie said.

OGO- I think if you try hard enough you could come up with something! Please? ;D

Suz- "crush the sucrets..."

Are you on crack? How do you come up with this stuff? Is it an Idaho thing? My husband is here and is sick, too! We rarely get sick at the same time. He had to go to Williston today, just a short run but I still feel bad. So I cleaned the living/dining area and the bathroom. (don't worry I used clorox wipes, no scrubbing hard today. I also recommend yellow lysol spray. It gets everything. And lysol disinfectant sprya- the one that kills viruses, staff, strep, etc... Asesome crap. I even opened the windows.

I left the dishes piled on the counter. I am going to blog then read Redwall by Brian Jacques. Bruce is sleeping! Yes!