February 04, 2006

Damn you Blogger!!!

I am so god damned pissed. This will be my THIRD, yes, third time posting this same post today! If it disappears again I am GOING TO QUIT BLOGGER. This is just ridiculous!!!!! It was there, I saw it, I went to bed, got up and it was gone. I posted it again, saw it and later logged in to edit it. It was on my blog visually, but the damn thing was missing from my edit thingy. Now it is gone completely. Maybe blogger doesn't deserve to see my new fairy. Maybe it should just fudge itself for not answering my emails. Maybe I will just move anyway out of SPITE!!!!!

Here is a fairy I made. The base is from Embrace You Inner Pink. No witty comments or details because by now I am so damn bored with the whole thing!!!!!!!!!!


What the hell, lets go for it. I am going to add another fairy, it is the first doll I made. The "Lollie" doll base is from ElectroniCandy, the dress was inspired by Amy Brown and I made the hair from a tutorial by Angy Chan.

my first fairy doll

I have also been meaning to mention that I have updated my Haunts section. Please take a moment and visit the new blogs! (Those would be the ones with the *NEW* around them, lol!) I am not so pissed anymore. Now it's up to blogger.


Rowan Dawn said...

"the one at the top with the black hair makes me want to stab my eyes with forks."

Gee thanks. You are so wierd.

Fred said...

Blogger has been a royal pain. It won't let me publish my back-up site that I use to tinker with videos and such. If it did that to my main blog, there would be some serious emails flying around.

Nice fairies...you're pretty darned good.

Rowan Dawn said...

Take them out and keep them out, girl, because I fixed her, and took a long time doing it, too! So you had better like her now. I had to empty my cashe to see the new one... firefox is wierd too.

I like iol. So Nah!

Rowan Dawn said...

Now I need to make a new avatar for myself. My old one just looks silly.

Speaking of avatars, my son has a blue arrow from his neck to forehead- just like "Ang", the cute kid from Avatar. I mixed a packet of koolaid with conditioner. Next time WEAR GLOVES. (Just google it people, I am not explaining who Ang is!)

Rowan Dawn said...

Sorry Susie, but fairies have pointed ears. They are mythical creatures, and therefore evil by christian standards anyway. My little devil's spawn gets to keep her pointy ears.

She's bossy huh? Hey everybody, go to Susie's blog and get sassy!! See her avatar? I made that.

Blue shampoo, huh? That's funny.

Hey fred, that sucks. And thanks, too btw. At least you don't judge me *sniff*


Rowan Dawn said...

Oh yeah! Just go ahead and ask Saint John. He'll tell ya! And so are unicorns and smurfs and wizardsand sorcerers/esses and anything else fantasy tht this girls likes.You know I actually felt GUILTY reading Terry Brooks and David Eddings novels when I was pregnant for Austin? I though God was going to strike me down, or have a miscarriage since I wasn't married to Chantz. Oh wait, that is another story alltogether (again, something that can be blamed on Saint John.)

Granny said...

I love this look. Blogger spent the weekend eating posts.

I like Susie's new look too. I no longer feel as if I'm under attack.

Anonymous said...

Well done!
[url=http://ytspxvhe.com/aeyu/vcfc.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://ucaehmrp.com/lwyi/fily.html]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://ytspxvhe.com/aeyu/vcfc.html | http://lzcoisix.com/llun/woho.html