February 07, 2006

Noses and revenge

So I was sitting on the floor with Bruce and he was very happy and bouncing around and playing, and he walks over and pointing his finger at me he says "Zthat?" Ah, how cute... then he jabbed that little finger right up my nose! Owee, that hurt. Can you believe it? I got a bloody nose from 13 month old! Yikes...

Of course Chantz thought it was great when I told him. He gets his though. He's been calling me and bragging about the nice weather in Texas. He even called just to tell me he was watching my "favorite movie." I knew what he was talking about- "City of Angels!" I hate that movie, I hate it! The first time we watched it he got so excited. "Yes! That's awesome. Smack!" Jerk. "She didn't get run over by a truck, she ran into the truck!"

Remember I said he gets his? He and his dad are coming home right now and guess what? They have to get a load and go right back. By the time they get there (Texas) the other truck will be fixed, so guess what? You got it, they can turn around and come right home! It's really going to suck, though. Who knows how messed up this is going to get; things never go the way they are supposed to. He irritates me anymore when he is home anyway. When things get back to "normal" it won't be so bad. He was only home so much this last time because the truck was broke. He normally drives locally so we see him a lot more than when he has to go all the way to Conroe, but not as much as when he can't work...

I need to go to bed now. Seven comes so fast...


eyes_only4him said...

my 2 year old still jams her finger up my nose and says honk honk..

not very cute anymore, the first few times was funny, but come on already;)

Oh great One said...

No bloody noses for me yet but I've gotten a fat lip!

Rowan Dawn said...

I've had fat lips, too! The bigger kids get me sometimes still. What is it with kdis and their obsession with noses? Is mine really that big? Geez!

I am going to take a nap- my hips are killing me today... owee owee owee!

Fred said...

Sell all the trucks. Now. Then, get back to a normal life. :)

Rowan Dawn said...

Fred, But then what would we do for money?

Susie, i like Chantz. I was being sarcastic cuz he was teasing me- lots.

"my son likes to say really loud at his school, LOOK AT MY MOM'S MUSTACHE
kill, kill"
That is just way to funny! He gets it from you, ya know! This post explains his job. http://dawnshell.blogspot.com/2006/01/i-said-i-would.html

Rowan Dawn said...

susie, you are so damn lazy!

Rowan Dawn said...

I try susie , I try.


JBlue said...

Ouch! I've been headbutted in the mouth by a two year-old. That hurt. Had a big lower lip that was oddly attractive (would have been had the top lip matched, I guess).