February 05, 2006

Howdy howdy howdy, I forgot what I was gonna say

Hey people, if you check this link when there is trouble, you will know what is going on with blogger: (http://status.blogger.com/) Here is an excerpt for those of you too lazy to click on links:

"Just a quick reminder that we will be going ahead with a planned network maintenance on Monday the 6th from 7PM-8PM PST. Blogger and Blog*Spot blogs will be unavailable during that time.
This maintenance won't fix everything, but it will make things better. I promise."
Posted by Pete at 21:18 PST

To find out what was wrong this weekend, you'll just have to go check for yourself because I am not your mom. I think. I am so many people's mom that I may get confused. Sometimes I just get that way.

Oh yeah, my schedule. I am waiting for the perfect planner. In the meantime I bought a 2 year planner for a buck at Albertson's. It will work for appointments. It is one of those checkbook shaped dohickies that isn't much more than a calendar. As for organizing, here is what I have been doing lately. In the mornings before I get to blog or watch TV or even turn on the PC, I clean the kitchen- dishes, counters, sweep, check the garbage (Austin takes it out- I ain't hiking my big prego butt all the way through the yard, to the alley, then down the alley to the middle and back again! No way!), the nuker, pick up any stray toys, toss the laundry downstairs (and wash it; drying- not always!), check the carpet and bathroom and table, etc. Now that I am caught up (my lord was that first day awful!) it only takes me a short while and I feel guilty if I use the PC. So now that I have a routine I am adding to it. I need to dust, check the entry, clean under the garbage can and that little hidden shelf needs to be cleaned up as well. Tomorrow I have to put all that laundry I washed away, and see if that last load I did today, that I have no intention of putting in the dryer tonight, needs to be rewashed or if it can go straight in the dryer. Rocksy needs to be trained; just ten minutes around the yard on her choke chain and 5 or so sitting, staying and laying down inside should do it. She escaped from Austin today; first time since I started her "regimen"- you know, when I became her master? Since she can be dangerous to poor passersby and oncoming traffic, I knew I had to get her right away! How to get her to come? Raw hamburger in the frig! I didn't need to get that messy, Tess was making a baloney sandwich and I grabbed a piece and went out. I squatted down where she could see me and started nibbling on it. When she came near I called her and stuck it out. Oh yeah, who's the man? She ran right up to me and devoured my hand (like I was letting go!) and I grabbed her with the other. No punishment, because then she won't come to me. I put her back on the chain and went my merry way.

Then I need to clean this basement. I need to get the clean matress pad and sheets on my bed- get the trash out and organize it a bit. The shower curtain needs to go up in the bathroom so we can use it. But this is just the "apartment" part. The rest is icky. Rocksy found paper towels- imagine the mess- and there is laundry lint abounds. So I need to sweep and vac. I just don't wanna! I need to call Frank's and make an appointment for our taxes, get stamps, pay these bills- PATH, AES, the credit card and my fine at the courthouse. Don't get your panties in a wad; it was for driving without insurance on the way to get insurance! And I ended up with Geico anyway!

Do I plan to get all that done in one day? No and that is why this works. If I have to let something go to the next day, I let it go. I don't try to do to much or I get overwhelmed. Many of the morning stuff I did tonight so I'm good to go. That is another thing. During the day I keep the living room, bathroom and kitchen "up" so they don't get too bad, and after dinner sometime I clean up. My rule? Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight. That really small load is a lot more than it looks. So I wiped, swept, wet swiffered, and picked up toys already. I even cleaned that entry I had planned for tomorrow. See how easy that was? Now in the morning all I have to do is clean up after the kids then move on to the next stuff. Whew, I am wiped. Ithink I am going to sign off now. I have other stuff to do yet- the goofing off kind.


Rowan Dawn said...

Susie- not anymore. Austin went back to PS 2 weeks ago, parttime. This is part of the reason why I have so much time on my hands and I kinda got lost for a while there.

It's not so much work, if you keep it up every day.

FCQ- lots of grumblings, but I don't think anyone bothered to check what was going on, including me. Well, I checked but got lost. If peple knew, they would have known to just stay away. Just remember not to log on or anything tonight at 7pm to 8pm pst.

eyes_only4him said...

so it will be down tonight huh? thanks for the warning..I have mini strokes if you will, when blogger is not functioning to its fullest potential..

btw, I love your template..

and i need a nap now, your doing too much work for one lady;)

Unknown said...

i'm with you on the no dirty dishes in the sink overnight. nothing starts off my day worse than dirty dishes before i even make breakfast!

JBlue said...

You definitely sound like a gal with a plan. Kudos.

Rowan Dawn said...

Just christina-I had a nap today, but the baby wouldn't let me finish!

Mrs D- I am surprised at the results I have had just by doing any dishes leftover before bed. That pile tends to grow! Why do kids eat so darn much after dinner is over?

julianb- I have a plan and it has to work or I am in some serious trouble with the hubby!

So far I have done the laundry, made the bed, picked up toys, made appointments, trained Rocksy, found the stamps and paid bills (and took a nap because I am so darn exhausted lately). The basement floor is calling my name but I have been ignoring it. There are no dishes yet thankfully! Oh! And I survived the shortest but worst tantrum my ten year old has thrown in a long time! That in itself was a lot of effort!
Now I have to go yell at tessa for stomping on the floor like an elephant up there and see if Bruce is going to take another nap or what!

JBlue said...

I need a nap just after reading all that....