September 30, 2006

Everyday Heroes

If I had a camera phone, I would take pictures of extremely overweight women on motorcycles, wearing black spandex pants tucked into black cowboy boots, with black t-shirts, of course.

If I had a camera phone I would take pictures of all the cars driving on the shoulder of the road. (Because they are scared of oncoming traffic?)

...of the tailgaters who leave five feet between vehicles.

..of all the cute, green, tiny carnicerias.

...and washeterias (that's Texas for laundromat).

...and of logos like this: bluebell ice cream, the national ice cream of Texas. There are more national things of the state of Texas.

...and of all the state law signs. I swear, they are everywhere.

I would get pics of indignant Texas faces when one does not follow Texas state law.

Most especially, I would take pictures of Texas everyday heroes.

The image will forever be burned into my brain. The cars stopped in the middle of the street, the 8 or so strangers surrounding him, four men lifting the huge, white motorcycle off his body, the woman calling out,"Talk to him... talk to him..," while he lay in a puddle of broken glass under the heavy machine. The ambulance making its way forward.

I could cry right now just thinking about it. This is the second motor cycle accident I have seen in a month, and both times civilians blocked off traffic and took over the situation, stopping to help.

They may not help you out with your groceries at the store, rent you movies without a Texas ID, or allow your kids to go to school with out 23,450 different forms of identification and proof of residency, but Texans will help you when your life is threatened.

Thank you everyday heroes, for doing what you do best.

If you had a camera phone, what would you record?


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawnmarie. Sounds like you have a great community to be in when there is an emergency but for everyday drama no help!

Thanks for popping into my new place. I am on Wordpress and using a free template. Not sure what you mean by blog software but hopefully that will help answer your question. If not just email me!

I hope you have a great Sunday!

Rowan Dawn said...

Yeah, I meant what you were blogging with, like wordpress. I like how you put it, "everyday drama." In that the are seriously lacking.

yellowdoggranny said...

ahhh texas...gotta love it...our texas motto of DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS is the nation's favorite slogan. The 20 year od advertising slogan was honored Friday after winning Advertising Week's 2006 Walk of Fame contest.It beat out nike's 'just do it'..'got milk', wheaties, 'breakfast of champions',dunkin donuts 'it's time to make donuts','have it your way' by Burger King and 'm'm m'm good' by campbells soup...we fucking rock..had over 400,000 thinking that 200,000 of them were from people from out of state that we tossed into david crosby and ozzie osbourne..huh huh...
i would take pictures of the guy on the bike with a red wooden wagon attached to it with his son it it..and his wife riding her bike with a kid in a bike seat behind her, i would take pictures of the group of people that all got out of their car to help chase down a little girls dog who we all thought was going to run onto the train tracks with a train on it, i would take pictures of the black ladies from the Baptist church on sundays after church at the community grocery store in their beautiful dresses, matching hats and shoes,i would take pictures of our home games at the packed stadiums and full gymnasiums cheering for 'their kids',i would take pictures of the gas station in town that charges a little more for gas but they clean your windows, check you oil, air up your tires and pump your gas for you. i would take pictures of all the family reunions...some of the family's that have been here for 80+ years..i get the idea...i love my little part of is 1957 here..and that's not a bad thing...

Rowan Dawn said...

naw, its more urban here, even in willis! this area is growing like crazy. i forgot about the don't mess with texas slogan and i didn't mention the united states of texas, either, lol! I see the don't mess with texas signs all over the highway- don't make a mess either!

Turtle Guy said...

In answer to your question... not sure I'd bother taking pictures of things that annoy me. I'd sooner forget them. I'd take pictures of these heros you speak of, and those who DO help you with your groceries, smile and lend a hand.

I'd photograph the things in my day that make me smile and lighten my heart.

Thanks for dropping by my blog to say hello!

Rowan Dawn said...

turtle guy:I would too, but I was trying to juxtapose the different images that I see everyday here, you know what I mean? To show the contrasts and how when you come down to it, people can really come through for you in the end.

I haven't had any employees offer to help me out with the groceries in the 3 months that I have been here, and they are supposed to. Wait, once they did, but my husband was with me, so we didn't need it. Some of them are mean, too, when it is in their favor to be nice to customers. Native texans get kinda mean when they realize I am not from here. The nicest people are sometimes people who moved here from out of state.

I am not saying they are all bad or mean, I am just stating an observation that the meanest are usually native Texans and only when they know that I am not. However, many of them are very cool. One woman at the grocery store who was off duty helped everyone find stuff, including myself, when she was shopping for her own groceries.

and you are welcome

Candace said...

BAck when I thought we were moving from Dallas to North Carolina, I was seriously wondering how I was gonna get by with Bluebell ice cream! We have that every night - Homemade Vanilla in a cone. Eveyone in Texas knows that the Bluebell ice cream plant is in Brenham, so years ago when there was a terrible gasline explosion near there, the phone lines were flooded with people from all over the state wanting to know if the COWS were okay (cows won't produce good milk when they're stressed, so the ice cream was in jeopardy!) True story.

I don't know why they're not helping you with the groceries - maybe it's just that store? Sometimes if there's bad managers, then it shows in the behavior of the employees. I'd hate to think that it's because you're not from there! Heck, in Dallas, hardly anyone's from here anymore, so we're not so phobic about outsiders.

There are lots of things to juxtapose - like tuxedos with cowboy boots - :)

State law signs - I think they're everywhere here because we can afford them - other states have to save their tax dollars for more important stuff.

Tailgaters - ugh! Aren't they the worst in Texas? And I say that as a native, so don't anyone get on me about that.

Another thing Texas drivers DO NOT GET is that SLOWER TRAFFIC should drive on the RIGHT, damnit! If you're in the left lane and someone comes up fast behind you, get out of the way because you're in the fast lane, moron!

A camera phone: don't miss the Texas wildflowers in the spring courtesy of Ladybird Johnson's longtime campaign to beautify the state's highways.

There's lots to see here - from ocean to mountains to prairies to desert to pine tree forests.

Y'all come back now, hear?

Margaret said...

I'd take photos of the trailer park that I am temporarily residing in. Everything from it's people, the homes and the odd lawn deco.

Anonymous said...

I would have taken pictures of all the idiots taking pictures of the animals at the Zoo this past weekend.

Rowan Dawn said...

fred- i like to take pics of the kids at the zoo, but not so much the animals.

margaret- trailer parks are awesome fodder, lol. there are trailers here with carport type buildings over them!

susie- i know, you get the coolest stuff all the time. someday, i will. so instead, i will just pretend. you really should have seen the chic on the motorcycle. it was gross.