December 11, 2006

Animal Magnatism

The puppies have been coated in some nasty, oily stuff and are recovering. The itching as lessened and they whine less, also. They look so funny with their fur all slicked back!

So the other day on my way over to Alice's house, there were four dogs playing in the road, and one decided to chase after me. At least that is what I though he was doing, and I swerved and slowed down. But he wasn't chasing my tires, he ran under the side of my van and got ran over by my back tire! I heard and felt a kerplunk, and stopped, backed up and got out. The owner was there by then and the dog was alive, not gooey or bloody or misshapen in any way, but I was still freaked out! I have never seen dogs over at that house before, and suddenly there were four of them! They said it was ok, it wasn't my fault, etc, but I feel so bad about it. I am afraid to go back there and see if he is ok. Then later that day I had to go back over there again, and only one dog was out this time, but the idiot chased my van and barked at me like crazy. I almost hit him, too! So if those dogs are out again unleashed, I am calling animal control, because enough is enough already! I don't want to be responsible for the death of any creature, especially a pet!

What a traumatising week I have had with animals. I really miss those puppies, btw. I know I wasn't going to keep them, but I have been in a funk since I took them back; C called me pissy! I have been a down right bitch. Oh well, I will figure something out. Top things off with some crazy post nasal drip downpour and my week has been just f#cking great!


Rowan Dawn said...

he did dishes today. yay! and he hung up xmas lights in the kids rooms!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you've had such a horrible week. I certainly know the feeling!

Run yourself a hot bubble bath, grab a glass of wine, and lock the bathroom door. If need be, grab a pair of earplugs too, and just relax for an hour.

Works every time!

Rowan Dawn said...

thanks dawn! i got some aveeno stress relief bubble bath the other day, and it smells lovely!

the dog is fine, and has been seen in the road again!