December 01, 2006

I am a foster mom

What did I say? No more animals I said. I said and said and said those words. I said them but I lied them.

I couldn't let the runts suffer in the cold; shaking, their hungry bellies swollen,, huddling together, their patchy fur covered in fleas, sand and flaky skin. Damn the unusually cold weather here in Texas! One is teeny tiny, the actual runt of the litter, the other is twice his size, and is still miniscule in comparison to the other puppies. The cutest, biggest ones are gone, off to good homes, the shy or funny colored ones left to scrounge for food, and fight over Mama Dog's milk.

I took the tiniest two, smaller than Logan was when I rescued him. I guess that is what I do. I am an animal rescuer, if not an animal keeper. I will foster these two, nurse them to health, and find homes for them. We will put a free ad in the local paper, or go to Ryan's parking lot by wal-mart, where everyone finds homes for pets.

They are bathed and fed, and are huddled together in a big blue plastic tub that used to hold Bruce's toys, and before that our books. The poor dears have been sprayed with fungicide, fed garlic for the fleas and ground flax seed for their coats, and are now resting. I will find the flea comb, or get a new one, and help them shed the dead, flaky skin and the remaining fleas.

Say a prayer, light a candle, for these two ragamuffins, Dimitri and Kaiah, that they gain health and find loving homes.


Rowan Dawn said...

Thank you Jayne! I am glad to be back!

Ann said...

Welcome back! Hope to see some pictures of the little creature too.

Rowan Dawn said...

Ann, I should take before and after pictures. Right now they look awful! Cute, but awful at the same time, you know?

Anonymous said...

It is so good you took those fur babies in. I hav ea soft spot for the lost and strays of the world also. I think I have this invisible beacon and they show up at my doorstep looking so sad. I am a big softie when it comes to animals. :o)

P.S. Good to see you back.

Rowan Dawn said...

oh, raven, they did look so sad and lonely. I know from experience, that dogs like other animals, so that is why I made sure I brought two of them home. last night the runt spent her night indoors (at her old home), but she whined all night to be with her brothers and sisters.

What is funny, the biggest puppy (s/he is just massive) is totally shy and rarely leaves the dog igloo! I couldn't even coax it out. All the others wanted to come home with me, though!

Did I mention how bad these fur babies stink?

Rowan Dawn said...

Susie, your boy is a great kid! Mine, he hates dogs. The header pic is a pic of some forest in Japan. How cool is that?

Anonymous said...

Lookin good!!! Love the colors and everything.
Awwww, you're a good mommy person.

Rowan Dawn said...

Thanks Candee! Do you recognise the header? Nite!

Anonymous said...

Awww you and me both kiddo. My cats are strays... am waiting for that dog stray to come along though. Never get stray dogs around here.

Good luck with the two!! I know you will find a great home for them.

Rowan Dawn said...

Marlee, these aren't strays, though. They are Hailey's dog's puppies. There are 5 left, plus the three adult dogs, and they can't take care of all those dogs! So I stepped in and told them I was taking the two littlest ones. I am even thinking of buying some good dog food for the rest of Hailey's dogs and bringing it over there! You should go to a shelter or dog rescue and adopt a stray that has been caught or turned in. Poor babies!

Anonymous said...

Are you getting like me and Bill? Hogan and Murdock were strays, so was Noa (Blackie)our cat. All these strays are black. It is good taking them in,but watch out you don't fall in love with them and keep them.

Granny said...

Raven has a beacon. I have an invisible sign that only cats can read. It says SUCKER!!

Hope your foster babies are doing well.

Rowan Dawn said...

Ma-except your dogs could eat my dogs for breakfast! the big one weighs 4 pounds, and the little one won't even register on the scale!

Granny- me too! I think I carry that sign around with me every time I leave the house. If I sit on the floor, they climb on my lap. They play follow the leader, and Kaia the runt is leader. They know if they howl and scratch, I will come by with the comb and help out. Manipulative little beasties!