December 03, 2006

iTunes sucks ass

I have been sitting here doing everything but writing for the past hour, as I tried to think of a blog post that wasn't about dogs. One of the things I tried to do was purchase a song from itunes to gift to Susie. I have never bought a song before, but I have the itunes player thingy because I was gifted a song. Long story short, it didn't happen. The redirect from paypal doesn't work, for any site, really- which could be a paypal problem, and not iTunes, but it gets worse. I had to go out to the cold garage to get my bag so I could enter my cc info for a song that costs .99 (1.05 with sales tax!) just to be told that the iTunes store was unable to access my account. Before that it had timed out on me, and I had to restart the iTunes thingymajigger. Whatever! I tried and tried and retried and finally gave it up. Susie did not get a song from me. Yet.

Well, she isn't going to get it gifted from iTunes anyway. I am going to do what I should have done in the first place, and downloaded it illeg@lly! Ever heard of mp3 rocket?

Screw you iTunes, you suck!

Here are the lyrics to the song I want to send her:



Anonymous said...

MP3 Rocket?!? I have been using everything else like EMule and Limewire. I should give that one a try. Too bad iPods only take signature ones from iTunes non?

As for the little script for lyrics that is just so cute.. wonder if they have ICP in their database.

Rowan Dawn said...

I love that script, and the best part is that it is customizable! It has different backgrounds and colors to choose from. It is so neat. Chantz got that MP3 rocket thing and it works pretty good.

I don't have an iPod, so I guess I realy don't care, lol!I burn cds for the van.

Anonymous said...

iTunes is wonderful. Much better than Windows crappy Media player. Now take it back ;)