December 18, 2006

I need a coffee; take me to Starbucks!

Does anyone else think it is in bad taste to make commemorative coins honoring the fifth anniversary of September 11th using silver from the actual wreckage of the towers?

It makes me ill. I don't think people should profit on this. I think they are preying on people, and it makes me sick.

The coins have silver pop up of the towers, btw, and they can be yours for less than $20 a piece. Remember, once they are out of silver you won't be able to buy one anymore, and since there is a limited supply, you can only purchase up to 5 coins!


Anonymous said...

Thanks goodness I'm not the only one sickened by this. When I saw this commercial I could not believe that they were marketing this item. They are giving something like $1 to the families. What about the other $19???

Margaret said...

A local NY steelworkers union actually did this only a week or so after 9/11 during company off hours. The money made then went to the families of the victims 100%. This back then was different.

To do so now is terrible. I agree.

Rowan Dawn said...

I know, Fred, makes me just ill!

suzerlalaoozie-i miss ya too. when ya coming to visit us?

margaret- that is a cool thing to do. what they are doing now is exploitation, pure and simple!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's pretty bad. Shame on them!