December 21, 2006


Ever throw away a shopping bag full of stuff?

Yeah that's the kind of day I am having. The driver said he'd keep a look out for a Target bag at the landfill tomorrow. How nice.

Merry Christmas!


Rowan Dawn said...

BTW, this would not have happened had I listened to tessa when she said she thought she took the wrong bag, but I was so freaked out and POSITIVE that I left it in the cart, I didn't know what she was talking about.

She still could have gone and retreived it before they came, but NO... she had to listen to a mom who ignores her!

Bad mommy! Bad!

Anonymous said...

Ooh. That sucks!

Rowan Dawn said...

It sucks ass Bianca! It sucks ass!

Thank you for visiting!

Anonymous said...

I know this has happened to me before, that I throw away a bag that I thought was empty, but it had something in it I had just bought. You're not alone!

P.S. I can't sign in with my blogger account. :(

Anonymous said...

Oh I've done that a few times myself. And I've kept bags that I was sure had something in it that I'd need later, but were really trash. That sucks. :(

Rowan Dawn said...

thanks guys for the support. now I feel a bit less stupid, lol. katy, thats funny that you keep trash too. i have a $20 plus bag of trash in my van!

ann- i wonder why you can't log in?

susie, me too.

Gail said...

Dawn that is too bad. Have you found it yet?
I think you were w/me when you were 4 0r 5 when I went to the car wash. Diane Groat had just given me a wedding gift. This was for when John and I were getting married. Well I started to vaccum the inside of that old blue 69' chevy impala that I got from Paul. I took the package out and set it near the vaccum machine. When I got done I drove away. I was about 15 minutes down the road and I realize what I did. Diane had the package wrapped so nice. I went back there and somebody had already stoled it. I told Diane, because she asked me how I liked the monogram towels. Well whoever took them, must of needed them more than me. I hope the initals matched their names.
One other time when we lived in Clifton Park, NY. I always went through my mail and made out bills. Don't ask me how but when I through the junk mail in the wood stove, I must of threw in a 20 dollar bill, because I looked every where and could not find it.
Then remember somebody stoled our jeans out of the laudry mat across the street.

Rowan Dawn said...

that pissed me off when they took our jeans! that wasn't a crime of opportunity- that was on purpose!

that suks about the towels! c left his toolbox at the car wash and never got it back.

the bag is gone... forever! into the land fill it went!