December 02, 2006

The smelly puppies...

...are very content! They don't yip and hardly whine. I told Chantz that you have to have two puppies, so they have some one to play with all the time. Did he ever listen to me? Nerp. He doesn't know about this project of mine, btw. I have to tell him sooner or later, esp since he is leaving MT tomorrow morning, but since I don't plan on keeping the fur babies, I acted on my own.

Anyway, back to the content puppies... or "moving right along now..."

I found the flea comb and started grooming them while they were asleep. Ugh! The skin and scabs that came off the poor dears! The larger male, Dimitri, is in better condition, but he had some raw scratches on his skin. I put lanolin on some of the spots, I didn't know what else to use. (It's pure lanolin that I use for my n#pples after breastfeeding Brandy- good stuff!) Kaiah, the female runt, is much worse. Her skin can be seen right through her darker coat, and it is flakier. Her belly and (bloated) sides are bare. She woke up and started scratching at her side, but I used the comb to flake off the crusties- it was less damaging than her teeth and paws. I found a website that said the itching and biting causes it to spread, so I am going to the pet store tomorrow to find an affordable remedy for relief, plus itch deterrent. I am looking for something topical. If any of you have home remedies, I would love to hear about them, please!

On a good note, the flea bath worked, I only found 2 live fleas on them. I rubbed some aveeno unscented baby lotion on Kaiah's tummy since there were no open wounds, and I got the girls to take the pups outside after I fed them again. You should have seen how much water they drank! They went outside and did their business right away; they're outside dogs, and knew exactly what we wanted them to do! We only had one accident and that was in the bath, so not a big deal.

The truly funny part was watching Hailey freeze her butt off! The child is not used to being cold. It didn't feel too cold to me, and she was in a long sleeved shirt, heavy winter coat with a hood, jeans, socks and shoes, and she appeared to be freezing to death. Tessa was barefoot at first (not the smartest child) and seemed only cold. I had to make the girls go out into the yard with the pups and make sure they went poo and pee and as soon as we had confirmation, Hailey RAN into the house! It was amusing.

Then the girls brought the pups into Tessa's room and i brought the plastic tub, aka puppy crib, into her room. What did the fur babies do? They waddled over to Tessa's bed, flopped onto a blanket on the floor, and snuggled down. I took video of it, and decided that if they were going to go back to sleep, they could do it in their puppy crib! But they didn't go to sleep. They both sat there and scratched. Kids! Gah!

One more, complaint before I go to bed- they smell! they stink! i bathed them, it should be gone! I cleaned the house earlier in the morning, and saw Rocksy's yummy shampoo, but couldn't find it. I had to use Hailey's dog shampoo and it doesn't do anything about odor. I am taking suggestions on that, too.

Later and good night!


Rowan Dawn said...

thanks susie, but I don't think tomato juice would be good because of the open sores. That might sting a bit!

Margaret said...

Bath without the chill. In an old bowl or pan put about 1 cup of menthol rubbing alcohol to 1 quart water. Sponge them down. The wetness will evaporate fast and they'll smell minty.

Palmolive dish detergent (must get green) does wonders for fleas and their skin.

If you have a pair of old pillowcases around. Fill them with cedar shavings/chips from the pet store. Sew the ends up and use these as doggy beds. The cedar will absorb odors plus help make them smell better - and it is also a flea deterrent.

I have two Basset Hounds who are darlings but can get to rolling around on smelly stuff outside and get stinky sometimes. If you're crafty buy some cheap Bandana's and sew them almost shut in a triangle shape and then sew in a zipper area. You can fill these with potpourri that can be refreshed with potpourri oils or even the cedar shavings. Loosely, Fill 'em, Zip 'em and tie them around their collars. They look adorable and smell good too. Cheap as well as washable.

Hope some of these ideas help.

Rowan Dawn said...

thank you so much margaret! the stink is driving me nuts! i have a sewing machine, and old pillow cases, that sounds like a good idea!