July 15, 2013

Habit Change

I'm reading about changing habits at Nerd Fitness. I've picked the one I've been battling with and don't understand: getting tired btween 2-4 pm every day and wanting to go lay down. I don't lay down as often as I used to. I used to spend most of my time in bed, just a few months ago! However, this silly brain of mine sees differently. Silly brain says "I'm tired. Go lay down. I'm going on strike until I get what I want. No energy for you!!!" Well sorry bud-dy... Not gonna happen again! Next time I have that feeling, I'm going for a walk outside! I can rake, or clean the patio, check the mail, or walk up the road. If it's bad weather I can do dishes. I will just keep movng and if my brain keeps.throwing out that cue, I can think opposite thoughts like "I'm so full of energy! I love being outside! I love cleaning!!"
I also think part of it.is from boredom. I work out, eat and clean up in the am. Eat some more. Then I don't wanna clean or I can't think of anything to do, so my brain says NAP!! Funny thing is, I do have plans! Get on the computer and find a new JOB! Instead, my brain is shutting down. Uh oh. I am starting to see a pattern!
Plan: schedule what I want to do into my phone. This works with meals and working out. And then, if my brain cues "I'm tired! I have no energy. I don't feel good.", I will get up and move around! Walk! Go outside and rake! Clean up the patio! Strip Tessa's vanity, etc. Motivate myself with my.thoughts by saying how much I like doing new said thing.
So Ima change this one habit. Yes I am! One bad habit at a time.

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