July 14, 2013

Whole30 Day 9 part 2 and Day 10

I didn't much care for.last night's dinner. It was chicken bok choy stirfry with tahini, termuric and ginger... And the bok choy? Not so much. We'll stick.with baby bok choy in the future. The meat was good, left over from rosemary chicken the other evening. I gave my plate to david and had a small salad. Later that evenening I nom nommed on.some leftover shrimp. Had broth withbmy vitamin and got heart burn. Tookbmy calcium ane was bterr. Read the label and it's not whole30... Poop!
Speaking of poop, I'm constipated, and then moar heartburn, indigestion, etc. I put nuts, fruits and seed back on the menu. So.worried about carbs and allergies, that I made myself sick.
Breakfast, day 10:
Fried avacado (coconut flour, egg, evoo)
Half golden delicious apple
23 almonds (1 serving)
28 g carbs, 13 g fiber

Booya! Half way there. Also going to watch the fat intake the rest of the day and avoid hamburger for a few days.

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