July 13, 2013

Whole30 Day 9 part 1

Blogging is helping me stay on track and keeps me accountable! I am having gassy stomach but I think that has to do with constipation. Need moar fiber!
Made breakfast. Threw leftover grilled yellow squash in a pan with last night's supper, a tiny bit of steak and salad and added spinach.  Put two fried eggs on top. And it was yuck. The spinach was slimy and I didn't finish my greens.
I'm.going to pay attention to how much fat I'm eating and make sure it isn't too much and no salad today! Give my tummy a break from lettuce. I have a tendency to finish my playe even if Ibdon't want to. Out of paper plates and our regular plates are too damn big. Don't fill your plate! So, smaller portions, watch the fat, no lettuce. Going to eat fish and chicken today. Also start looking for another job and put up the towels and do dishes. It's my "play day" so I can zumba for however long I want or yoga, or whatever I choose!

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