July 07, 2013

Whole30 Day 3 and a tangy chicken stirfry with bok choy

While cooking dinner tonight I wtote this blog post in my head and I lost it! Where did it go? Let's see... It is day three of Whole30... A strict paleo diet that lasts 30 days. I was naughty and had a smoke but it hurt my throat. Maybe the pack will fall in the pool? Out of nowhere this urge came and I shouldn't have given in, but whatever!
I lost 15 pounds over 2 months but hit a plateau because I was cheating! Now no more cheese, alcohol, processed meats like bacon and sausage and raw veggies like onion, garlic and broccoli. I posted on facebook earlier that I was giving up those things, but I figure since they only upset my tummy in raw form, I'll try eating them cooked, but not everyday!
Sooo here is how today went: for breakfast I had 2 eggs, uncured bacon, and sauteed kale, peppers and yellow squash. Unfortunately, the bacon had sugar in it and was illegal. Poopstain. Lunch: grilled burger and a large salad with lots of fixin's. 
Then I finished reading the saddest book ever... Mockingjay, the last Hunger Games book. Good god! Then in the afternoon I got so tired, especially after I eat. I went for a short walk and felt somewhat better. It's now after dinner and I am ready to pass out!
Dinner rocked. Tangy Chicken Stirfry with Bok Choy. Omg.
3-4 Boneless skinless breasts, sliced
2-3 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp turmeric
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 sweet onion, sliced
baby bok choy (2 bunches)
1-2 tsp fresh ginger root
I prepped the veggies, heated the oil, and stirfried the chicken, adding turmeric, salt and pepper, until it was done. Then I set that and it's yummy juice aside in a dish. I added the olive oil, garlic onion and bok choy stems (and MOAR salt and pepper). I had looked up how to cook bok choy on youtube, so I cut the stems off and cooked them first because they are so thick. When those were translucent and all limpy, I added the leaves in and stirfried them. The ginger wasn't cooperating, so I cut it up instead of grating it. Then I added the chicken and juices back in and heated it up.
Let me say, this was so good! I had my husband rate it and we made some.changes. He thinks it should be saltier and more spicey, but this guy eats raw jalepenos! We agreed it needed more onion and bok choy... Originally I'd used just I bunch of baby bok choy and 1/2 an onion. I found the bok choy hard to eat, so in the future I will chop it up. I even took some pictures! Let's see if I can the blogger app will let me upload them. Here's to one more day of healthy eating! See y'all tomorrow.
PS I wanted links and stuff, but I'm on my phone and lazy!


Jaydit said...

I love your Picture Link....and I love you, even though we disagree about the whole Paleo thing. As long as your food works for you, i am glad....

Rowan Dawn said...
