July 17, 2013

Whole30 Day 12

Missed breakfast at home because we had an unexpected mess in the kitchen! I ate breakfast at Miss Sue's: herb mix salad with boiled egg, walnuts, evoo, salt and pepper. Lunch was pretty much the same, since her shrimp had gone bad: herb mix salad with avocado, walnuts, lemon juice, evoo, salt and pepper.
My tummy was upset by the cilantro, but it went away.
Dinner, fried fish (coconut flour, garlic powder, salt, pepper, turmeric) with sauteed turnip greens and spinach with garlic, coconut oil, salt, pepper, moar turmeric and a small sweet potato with evoo and cinnamon.
Ihad strage dreams last night, creepy in retrospect. But awesome when me and Brandy ran along the rooftops and jumped to lower roofs to get away.
The Ikea catalog came and I am in heaven. I forgot to take my epsom.salt bath and do this post. Ooopsie! Still eating a high fiber diet because I rock like that.
Oh, and I created my weekly menu.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brandy had mini burgers and carrots.